The guns mods, which we're waiting for (flan's mods) will have Modern Weapons and Planes. The SMP version should be released soon. Until then, we just have IC2 NanoSabers and Bows. (I think..right?) Lol. Unless you include the nuclear weapons...
Posts by mkeness
What MCForge Version do we download by the way? Since...theres like a 1.3.2 or something and MC isnt that high. Lol.
Now its a race on whoever can get the client. Then that team will win. -_-...
Or..perhaps..its not being updated! But rather its just down and Mens isnt on?! What if Mens is playing with us! OH NO! :[
So...we getting the updated client soon?
Eagar to play on 1.2.4.... and all those new guns! Lol! -
Who me? I wrote that out all by myself.....
And does that mean your accusing the whole blue team of cheating....? -
Hmmm.....I wonder who did it...I bet it was some new person wasn't it?
Well, it was nice playing with you dean. Wish you would stay....but I understand what you mean. Not sure who did it either but I hope they were pretty much either banned or stripped of 99.99% of their items.
I played on this other huge server (still up and has thousands of people with thousands of dollars in donations a month) and my group of PvPers have to fight against another team which uses hacks (admins are nice, give them many chances, only temp ban for 3 days) while other hackers get perma banned. Along with that, they dupe like hell, or they duped before exploiting every single MC glitch in the whole MC universe that I've never known before. Really screwed up economy's server and such yet they aren't getting banned. They're considerd "on thin ice", but still, they will never get really "banned" due to their PvP talent....
The meaning of me telling this story (I still play on this server every now and then) is that, I know how you feel about duping and I high disagree with any duping.
Cause that team would have unlimited gear and such, able to keep fighting with unlimited materials and much much more.
Hope to see you around again. ~mkeness
- I've told Red about our super secret damaged 25% underground covered in lava tunnel! They'll find out and they'll use it! Oh Noez!
I like this infrastructure idea also.
Since the map is being deleted I may as well say this hehe...I already made a tunnel to red capital. Haha! Have I ever showed/told you about that Mens? Lol.
Transportation don't get rid of railcraft....then again I can just use boosters as the high speed railing is quite laggy..
Edit: Soemone ran a minecart down it and I crashed into it and blew up, yeah, sometimes it isn't the best idea especially for a rail system. Lol.
Mens, when you get the chance, please destroy all teh red engines I have since you have disabled pretty much all of Buildcraft. Is redpower compatible with BC's Autotables? :O
Otherwise I shall find out after you destroy all my redstone engines-Thanks
Sweet! Awesome, just wondering also, what are these "Industrial zones" and such. Otherwise I'll go put all my stuff in the vault soon.....
Oh I'm sorry, theres something called REAL LIFE and ASIAN PARENTS, combined. On a weekend. Plus, you guys killed me anyways.... Aside from that, perhaps copy the capitals, put them on a different map so we don't lose everything?
Or do you think the errors are like inside the capitals....?
Agreed, during war time you can NOT connect. For some reason....
Just save the capitals or something. Perhaps put towns nearby Capitals during the new update? (like 2 towns near each capital) you guys said, transfer people's houses who are active.
Okay seriously. How stupid are you seksan? How about NONE. How about you get the HELL OUTA HERE and never beg again. I now hate you, especially for being stupid when I joined, saying that you were a builder. Hah! I was stupid back then, now I know more. You told the cords, you screwed up, your fault.
Are you a blue?!
Nice to meet you and welcome back to the server (even though I have no clue who you are!)
And to Mens, I heard the map is going to restart? Will you save the capitals? I don't want my work to be tossed in the drain...after all this time. Then again, a wipe may be nice..but I don't want my work and time to be lost either.... Lol.
Lol. You just want more a fight when the reds are on don't you? So we have funz!
Awww....Mistic being nice to the Reds. Lol.
All I have to say is that I have no clue if you were doing it in a jokingly matter. I can say only that much.
And Mens, I need some auto-craft tables placed, whenever you can get on. Please.