Posts by ff255away

    1) Forge doesnt have Hooks to attach HUD into a Helmet (Yet, mostly because it isnt suggested or something)
    2) NO TO THE MOVING LIGHT, minecraft engine limitation that the IC2 Dev team WON'T solve.
    3) For making this, the IC2 dev team would actually have to make a map system for it, dunno if they are willing to do that.
    4) Highlight may or may not be possible, dont have much knowleadge of similar systems.

    (Also before someone say something stupid like X-ray vision, NO)

    Okay, that makes sense. For 2 though, I was already under the impression that moving light was impossible, but wouldn't it be possible to make the game brighter than what is available in the /options/video settings/ menu? And the HUD wouldn't necessarily need to be attached to the helmet, but more of a trigger that occurs when the player wears item x. Of coarse, I'm talking out of my ass here, but possibly useful? All of the features here only need to be viewable client side- the same way you can join a server with Rei's mini-maps and still see everything as intended by the mod even when nobody else has the mod installed.

    Virtual Reality Goggles

    What is it:
    a helmet that fits between quantum armor and nano armor on the tech scale. It would provide little armor, comparable in scale to jetpacks/batpacks, but provide extremely useful visuals. The helmet would allow you to:

    -view a mini-map (the helmet maps the landscape around you, and displays a small map of the area around you)
    -place waypoints (finding that secret base entrance, marking diamond deposits that you just ran out of power to mine, etc)
    -toggle-able light for torch less exploration (in my head, it would have a similar effect that adjusting the lighting bar in the game settings, but make things even brighter)
    -highlight mobs (no more hidden spiders at night! no more sneaky creepers!)
    -highlight other players (probably useless)
    -highlight ores (probably useless)

    Thanks for the responses. I find it hard to justify cost of solar panels vs watermills with install labor, but so be it. I currently have a tower producing around 40 eu a tick (version 1.64) and I would much rather build a second tower than use circuits to build solar panels, but that is probably personal preference.

    I read the first post, but seem to have been so drawn back by the inefficiency of the generators in the first post that I assumed it was a closed thread! Thank you, I am reading through the posts now.

    The mark II-15 EC you've designed is brilliant! I have been a bit uncertain about one thing though- active vs effective eu. My current thought process says that every tick you're spending 100 eu a tick to produce 95, a 5% loss in eu which is acceptable in my books. So why would you use 5 cells (comparing your two designs) for less eu output, and on top of that you're losing 30% of your energy for a minimal gain in cell life (which is almost definitely outweighed by the fact you're losing more eu than you'd gain in overall life?).

    ::EDIT:: and thank you for the explanation of SUC, I've been wondering for days what this 'CASUS' and 'SUC' are. That actually explain a lot.

    I've made the following comparisons-
    over the coarse of a 20 minute day, solar energy runs for 10 minutes. At 1 EU a tick, that works out to 20(ticks in a second)*60(seconds in a minute)*10, or 120000 eu a day, not taking into account the weather (raining? storm? sucks to be you).
    over the coarse of a 20 minute day, water mill energy runs for 20 minutes. From 1 generator, you get 2 mills. Hands free, and with water in 25/27 possible locations, you have 0.25 eu a tick, working out to be 0.25*20*60*20, or 60000. But wait, you have another generator. Now, you're at 120000 eu a day, equal to that of solar, but without the awful weather problems. They are also stupidly cheap, compared to solar generators- 6 planks worth of wood compared to 2 circuits (a pain in the ass), 3 coal, and 3 glass. Who thought that was even remotely comparable?
    Finally, you have wind power, which seems a lot more finicky than solar, but with potentially higher output. They seem like a complimentary power, that you add in addition to something else. Providing a boost to a steady stream of energy, and when they are generating sub optimally aren't going to screw you over. Is there somebody who has worked this out? I'd love to see how you/they have done it.

    If I were to put all of my eggs in one basket, that basket would almost definitely be water power. But since the online guide suggests solar, I have 45 solar generators that I wish were water generators (an extra 90 water generators would nicely compliment my approximately 250 water generators already in place).

    I used build craft before using industrial craft. As build craft is basically limited to block sorting and gathering (pumps and quarries), I usually set up a 32x32 quarry in addition to mining by hand. Finding ore dispersion patterns typically isn't very hard once you find a vein of what you're looking for, and it passes the time when you're between build projects. If I was playing single player, there would be multiple quarries running beneath build projects, but typically I'm on a limited private server.

    Anyways, with industrial craft, there is enough to do with just generating and collecting eu that managing miners is a pain in the ass. One or two 10-15 minute missions underground typically result in fantastic finds, and the typical haul includes at least 8-10 diamonds. But without a mining laser, lap pack, drill, and jetpack for quick escape, I probably would be relying on automated miners. Being in the middle of an ocean also helps- any fire caused by lava you fly through is quickly extinguished by the water you run into when you surface.

    I've been learning mine craft nuclear physics for the past couple of days. This has led to a competition with a friend to build the most energy efficient reactor based on highest output compared to lowest uranium count generator. Problem is, our server freezes up when connecting an ic2 pump to an ic2 compressor. This has led to the following problem- to minimize micromanagement, we have been using strictly cooling cells, disperser plates, and normal plates.

    This is my current design, that I'm about to put into place. My previous one utilized a dual two core, and I'm in the process of building the disperser plates necessary (need about 4 more...).


    What can I do to stream line this? I'm aiming for a mark II, and with the quick cool down time, I'm happily calling it a successful design. Is there a way to turn this into a five or six core without going mark III? Again, no ice or water, unless the bug has been fixed in 1.71 (we are still using 1.63).