If you're looking for a short-term fix, try it with a non-IDresolver .jar. A friend of mine pointed out that a few other mods have a history of breaking with IDresolver. Specifically, he suggested that IDresolver is reserving *all* of the IDs, causing Forge to search all the way up to 255 and error out, whereupon ID Resolver thinks I requested ID 255. This seems extremely likely, given the symptom.
I'll still be implementing the fix tomorrow. Even without the IDResolver conflict, the fact that Forge is willing to overwrite the value in the config file silently (leading to the "config file keeps resetting" issue) is Not Good.
And is there a reason why all your crop card addons include .java and .class files?
As with all my mods, the source is included in the archive.
.class is the files Minecraft runs. .java is the source code. They are present in this one as well, and completely ignored by Java while running; it's just there so you can build your own version if you choose. The CropCard addons are pretty easy to build; you'll need MCP+ML+MLMP+Forge and the IC2 API. This one, as mentioned, is much harder, because it needs to build against IC2 proper, not just the API.
The reason for this is because I'm a staunch proponent of open source, which this is in the original meaning of the term: The source is available, with no license beyond its innate copyright. If you want to do something with it beyond build a custom copy for yourself, just ask; I'll probably say yes. I expect to slap an MIT license on it later, making it proper FLOSS in the modern sense, but for now, ordinary copyright suits my purposes just fine.
You have no idea how useful this it
Oh, yes I do! Why do you think I wrote it? I've only just started using it in my own legit world since the release. I hadn't done any serious cropwork since my previous world, where I had seed levels up to (as I recall) 86. Trust me, you don't do that much vanilla IC2 agriculture without developing an extreme dislike of the Cropnalyzer.
Despite writing the recipes myself, it was still a bit of a shock to realize just how much stuff goes into a library+analyzer pair. Among other bits, it takes 5 E-circuits, one of them advanced. Six if you want a handheld Cropnalyzer to remind you what your placed plants have. And I'm short on copper, because I'm still trying to make a RocketScience fusion reactor while also making Forestry machines! Rubber's not hard; the one bit of agriculture I did have was a basic stickreed farm.
Still, I'm pretty happy with the overall resource requirement. This stuff is powerful, so it should be expensive to match. I just hadn't quite realized how expensive.