Posts by 0rganics

    Is the "Heating and Cooling" section on the first screen showing values per tick, or per second?

    The example that makes me question this:

    The calculations show it should run for 11 seconds, so I can only assume that the Heating & Cooling's value of ~1300 excess heat is per second. But then, the external cooling value is only 33 per second? Huh?

    There's a fair chance this isn't a bug and I'm just completely misunderstanding something.

    Apologies for my first post being a bug report! I just like to report things when I see them.

    I somehow managed to make a design which can run a maximum of "-818.35 cycles" (yep, negative cycles). It might be because of all that ice...


    Stranger still are the two empty slots. If you put a uranium in the first slot it changes to -67.54, but in the right slot it's -981.57. The design is symmetrical so that doesn't make any sense to me.

    (I should point out this isn't a finished reactor design)