Hello everyone,
I just started playing the mod and I have some doubts about the energy that I hope you can help me solve.
I have a system of 12 solar panels to feed my machines, connected to a
CESU and this to an lv-transformer that takes power to the machines
with cable insulated tin.
My doubts are:
- There are machines that can accept a voltage of 128EU / t but I'm
giving them 32EU / t, does that affect the performance or consumption of
the machine?
- In the wiki I read that the induction furnace consumes 16EU / t to
maintain the heat but I produce 12EU / t and I gain energy even with the
thermal centrifuge and the blast furnace also with redstone levers,
what is happening?
- When my chain of solar panels had 10 panels and added two
more, these last two did not send energy to the cable to which they were
connected and I had to place them on the cable that connected the
previous ones, Why this happens?
B=Battery (CESU)
C=Cable (Tin cable)
P=Solar panel
---=Nothing, only spaces 
*The red solar panels did not send energy to the red wire, I saw it with the eu-reader. I
had to modify the configuration to the next one that does transmit all
the energy that it should, I think, that I will ask later ;).
Config not work:
I change to: