Posts by Tokuin

    Does the power have someplace to go (batbox, MFE, etc)? Power won't flow unless it has a destination. If it does have someplace to go, try breaking a cable and replacing it. Sometimes the e-Net stops sending energy and breaking a cable and replacing it will reset it.

    Like I said, I thought it may have been due to improper cable placement so I redid the cables several times over, in-fact I even watched a tutorial just to be sure. (and yes, the power has somewhere to go)

    I'm having an issue with alternative energy sources. Everything except for regular generators refuse to output energy through cables. I know the blocks themselves are working, because windmills and solar panels still charge batteries. I thought maybe the cables weren't in the right spots but i tried everything and they still don't work. I've set up an elaborate nuclear plant and even that won't output power. I'm running minecraft 1.1, IC² v1.70 and buildcraft (not really sure what version, just says it's for mc 1.1.0)

    If anyone knows how to fix this, I would be very appreciative. Thanks in advance!
