Posts by Pantheis

    Really nice mod! Is there any ETA for 1.6.2 compatibility?

    Err... well, that depends on when there's a 1.6.2 compatible version of IC2. As far as I can tell, the first compiled version available that seems to be 1.6.2 compatible is build 400 (, which also happens to be the latest build and was created yesterday. The stability of it is uncertain. We don't like to jump right into updates in case the IC2 API gets changed or there are bugs in IC2 itself.

    Also, like most mod devs, it'll be done when it's done. We are aware there's been a Minecraft update and have been watching MCP, FML, Forge and IC2 for updates.

    Thanks for the bug report, and the update about the issue. I really do appreciate it because we want to make sure the mod operates as expected, without bugs. If the problem gets fixed with the regular transformer and ours still continues to have issues, definitely let us know. The thread may be quiet but we do monitor it and the github issues tracker and will address things that pop up.

    Also, just to head it off because I know the question will get asked, yes, we will be updating APM to Minecraft 1.6 and whatever version of IC2 comes out. While we did use srgnames, the new resource pack and launcher updates in MC 1.6 will require most mods to update.

    I'm having an issue with APM. Specifically with the charging bench GUI in combination with Galacticraft. This is with version 1.2.68 on MC 1.5.2/Forge 716.

    The issue is that armour does not show up in the charging bench; further, if you double click charged armour from the charging bench back into the armour slots, they go into the Galacticraft accessory slots.

    Any ideas on a solution? I'm not quite sure how mods make use of the various slots laid out on the inventory.png so I don't quite know how to fix this myself.

    The APM Charging Bench directly displays the base game inventory slots associated with the players armor slots and attempts to move items in and out of those slots back to the first available main inventory space. If armor isn't showing up in the Charging Bench player slots on the left, but do show up when you open your inventory screen, and this only happens with Galacticraft installed, it's possible that they are doing something weird with the inventory. I'm not sure there's much I can do on my side to fix this.

    I took all other mods away and there is only IC2. I download the Version 1.115.287 but Minecraft still crashed.

    "The crash was caused somewhere in 2013-06-19 18:00:07 [INFO] [STDERR] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ic2.api.tile.IEnergyStorage"

    This should just not happen.

    "Found a candidate zip or jar file industrialcraft-2_1.115.287-lf.jar"

    This is most likely the problem. The version of IC2 you have installed isn't right. You need at least IC2 1.115.295. Try updating to the latest IC2 release listed at

    Hi! I hate to be the idiot but im confused by the adjustable transformer interface. i get the top area is the packet size. But the bottom area... what does that mean? it is rated in EU but accepts a very high number but can only be max of 64? Does it override the top area? Will setting it higher than 32 EU make my LV machines explode?

    Is it possible to completely disable a side, say for compact wiring? Or set different sides to different EU/t values?

    You're not being an idiot at all. I'll be happy to help describe this further. I may do a youtube video on it as well since there have been a couple questions on how it works.

    Using the screenshots in the opening post as a reference, here's what it does.

    Due to limitations of the current IC2 API, there's no way to configure the machine to output a specific packet size in a specific direction. Directions can currently be set to accept energy or output energy, but there's no option to disable the direction. I'll check with Tallinu and see if that's something we can add. I think we can but we have to look over the IC2 API.

    As for the packet size and transfer rate, you'll need to understand how the EU network works. An insulated copper wire can carry LV sized packets without burning out. That's the top option (Packet size). The bottom is the transfer rate, which a max of 64 packets emitted each game tick (1/20th of a second if running at full tick speed). If you have enough energy input, you can set the packet size to 32 (LV max) and run up to 64 packets a tick of energy through that copper wire, or 2048 TOTAL energy a tick. That's spread out over 64 packets, each 32 EU.

    When a machine or cable or other EU compatible device indicates a maximum like "LV" or "MV", what they are (usually) really saying is maximum packet size. The number of packets sent over a wire seems to only be limited by how much lag you want as each packet requires some processing time. We've limited our interface to 64 packets a tick because we thought anything more was just insane. 64 may be too much as it is.

    O Sorry :D

    Thank you! The issue is you downloaded and installed the wrong version of the mod. The version that shows up in your forge log is AdvancedPowerManagement-1.1.55-IC2_1.112.jar which is for IC2 1.112 and Minecraft 1.4.7.

    The Minecraft 1.5.x version is available in the opening post near the top of the post under the "Download" section. It is currently version 1.2.68 for ICS 1.115.


    I'm new to this Forum and I found this cool Addon and I download it but I have a Problem.
    The game crashes every time i start It.

    Support and bug reporting:

    If Minecraft won't start or crashes while playing, post in this thread for assistance. We will need a copy of the full log file titled "ForgeModLoader-client-0.log" found in your minecraft folder (NOT just the crash log).

    If you come across bugs while running this mod, please check the github issues page first. If it's not listed, provide the full log file and any reproduction steps you can. The more details about the setup and conditions you can include, the more useful your report will be. The best case scenario is that you can build something from scratch that will reliably reproduce the bug when you perform specific actions, and you write down all of it from start to finish. Developers love those! :)

    if this has been answered countless times before, i apologise....does this mod plan to be in any of the future ftb packs?

    We would love to have it in a future FTB pack but inclusion isn't up to us. It's definitely available to be put into any of the FTB packs if the people who create those packs want to do so. Go bug Direwolf20 or one of the other main pack creators if you want to see this added! :)

    That is definitely ID resolver. Also, the latest versions of APM require Minecraft 1.4.7 and won't work under 1.4.6. Which version of APM are you using?


    Edited to add, the version in the opening post is not technically the latest version, but that one should work with Minecraft 1.4.6. The one posted here [Addon v1.109+] Advanced Power Management V1.1.55-IC2_1.112 [Universal] is for Minecraft 1.4.7 and resolves some weirdness with the storage blocks. I should probably update the opening post with that version.

    [Addon v1.109+] Advanced Power Management V1.1.55-IC2_1.112 [Universal]

    You don't need my permission, I've already given a blanket permission for modpacks.

    Hey, I was lookign for mod updates, and noticed your github downloads "" which seems to be a bit out of date, as the version listed here is 1.1.55 (and 57) Is the GH link updated, or is the file name just incorrect?

    It took me a bit to figure out what you were talking about... The "download" you are talking about on github is NOT the binary compiled download. That is posted by me on this thread only (At this time). The download from the github "page" for the mod is a zipped up version of the github source, nothing more. It is also not version 1.1.30-90. I'm not sure why github is coming up with that name, but it isn't one that I've picked.

    I was playing around with the github "pages" option months ago and forgot I even had anything up on it. The source from the master repo is for version 1.1.57, which is the current version.

    Well, looks like you have another modpack request! I'm compiling a private modpack through the FTB Launcher's "private modpacks" feature. A file within the download will give the usernames of all the modders involved, which mods they made in the modpack, and and a link to the mod's "page" (generally a MCF thread.) May I have permission to use this mod in the modpack?

    You definitely have my permission! :) The only modpack "requirements" we have for APM are listed at…rManagement/wiki/Modpacks and are pretty much just common sense stuff.

    I didn't know FTB had a "private modpack" feature yet. That's pretty neat! :)