all of your suggestions are examples of tier 4 technology there is currently an blanket denial on all tier 4 technology
Posts by passinglurker
leave LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK!!! welcome to the forums, but the crime you have committed here today is so atrocious if you say another word in the nuclear engineering subforum I will rip you a new one so big you will be split in two
is this a joke? are you trying to troll us? I mean really how can you make a worse reactor!? how can you make a worse post!? how can you post something so contrary to the rules of this thread in ignorance!?!? you can't have just read the thread title and assumed you knew what to do it even says to read the first post! did you skip to the last page with out reading it!? did you not see the n00b that i hanged and gutted myself with the sign that says "first time posters beware!"?
*rages to hard and turns in to godzilla-hulk-cloverfield*
*destroys Tokyo* -
Theendiscoming please do not make multiple consecutive posts (a.k.a. double post)it is bad forum conduct. please use the edit button to compress and delete your excess posts before you get in trouble
set out a trade-o-mat and 1:1 trade electrolized watercells for regular watercells then count how many regular watercells you get back and multiply that number by how much eu it cost you to electrolyze one cell
the bulk of the difficulty for both is getting to the nether for the first time. if using netherrack needs to be harder we could always implement a machine recipe like [1 stack of netherrack]=[1 gunpowder] or [1 stack of nether bricks]=[1 gunpowder] with the ability to compress netherrack into bricks. we already have incentive to tap the nether for all its lava, glowstone, and nether brick within a practical distance why not exploit the nether rack while we are at it?
sure why not? straight macerate netherrack to gunpowder it will make make dynamite mining practical and therefore open up a new play style
sleepers should be deleted simply locking doesn't solve the problem because the links still exist which is why they are made in the first place
whats your logic behind glow stone being the best alternative? i would assume netherrack would be more fitting considering its flammable properties
i think the glowstone puts it over the top redstone alone gives me enough trouble
its red stone and coal not glowstone and if we are going to exploit a renewable resource i would rather exploit some thing that was meant to be renewable and not the unholy physics flaw that is the cobble gen. or better yet just give us a gunpowder crop
not surprised have you guy seen the radium medical supplies of old?
I would love for an easier way to get gunpower than that (Quite Expensive) Secret Recipe.
The recipe its valid, but how about extracting or macerating sand for a chance to get the saltpeter?
But then again, i think im the only one who loves to make explosives in massive quantity (And Creeper hunting is annoying as balls)
the problem with macerating sand is you could exploit cobble gens for easy tnt (well easier) how about a new recipe that mixes coal dust with wool or dyes instead?
how many forums do you know that don't have search bars? it should be obvious. also he would know if he read the stickies
ok i could go into a long spiel about what is wrong with your suggestions but greg took care of that so i'll just skip to the condensed version
I'm not going to shout cause I already torched a guy on this page, but OriginalPhee did you perchance read all of the first post or the last 10+ pages of guys who's first post is posting a reactor? this isn't a development thread this is where reactors go after the tweaking and discussion is done. I for one don't think its list quality because because 2 eff is pretty bad for a reactor this big (heck there is a mk1 reactor that's half the size and gets 2.33 eff) simply put i could just take ricks starter reactor design and build 3 of them for the same cost. your design also makes the common mistake of checker boarding the HD's and cooling cells no reactor on the list does that. oh and if you can do me a favor tell your friends not to make the same mistakes you have just made.
TL;DR: your reactor isn't good enough don't post another reactor in this thread again till you have a reactor that is considered legit by people other than your self, and warn your friends
Rick is on vacation. Get him passinglurker ! Get him ! .
muahahahah... excellent
Raufal your design will not make the list the reasons why will be highlighted by red and special emotes like thisalso don't take what i say personally but no one is reading this threads rules so hanging the criminals at the entrance and saying "n00bs beware" is really the only option we have left.
Mark 1-0
130 eu/t
infinite cycleshttp://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…esrlgojcal7rbk4wjj2v480g0 problem number 1) ITS A EFF 1 REACTOR!!! didn't you read the first post it specifically said NO EFF 1 REACTORS!!! Here's some news for you eu/t != how good a reactor is its all about the efficiency (aka:eff). But really HOW HARD IS IT FOR YOU PEOPLE TO READ THE FIRST POST!!! HOW CAN YOU LURK HERE LONG ENOUGH TO NOTICE THE PLANNER AND TAKE AN INTREST AND YET NEVER READ THE RULES!!
I believe this is the best possible mark 1 setup but i am not sure. I will try to make a better one in the next 20 minutes, if I manage it I will post again,
This took me quite a while as i also tested it to make sure it works. your not sure!?! THEN WHY ARE YOU POSTING IT HERE!!!!? THIS THREAD IS RESERVED FOR THE BEST AND NOTHING LESS! and you will try to make a better one in the next 20 minutes? HOW LONG DID IT TAKE YOU TO MAKE THE FIRST
NE!!! looking at the noobish pattern of you HD's i say it took <5minutes :evil:
Started from complete scratch! don't care
materials needed:unnecessary the planner link tells us this
13 uranium cells
12 integrated heat dispersers
27 coolant cells
Maximum size nuclear reactorExternal enviroment:
20 water blocks
and finally raGan has 1up'ed you
*nice mode on*
sorry for being harsh but if you want to avoid flame read the rules i for one am willing to give you a second chance(but no more reactors in this thread from you for a while ok)
mojang couldn't sue if they wanted to for the same reason we have rom patches and homebrew console games those reverse engineering rules apply to patents and bypassing drm neither of which apply to modding minecraft.
as for the topic of this thread I am now of the opinion that we don't need to know who uses Technic and therefore at least the social norm should be DON'T MENTION TECHNIC(kinda like don't ask don't tell but less controversial)
why don't you report this thread and get it pushed to the archives then? i wonder what alblaka would think if we started doing that? hmmmm...
oh and greg...
WtF are you talking about?
just ignore him he has copyright mixed up with patents no mod is getting sued as long as they don't redistribute mojang's code
are you on ssp? If you are the easiest way is just don't craft it. If you running a server talk to this guy http://forum.industrial-craft.….php?page=User&userID=888