Posts by Waschtl

    It would be really nice to have the possibility to carry more things in late game.

    Perhaps some kind of quantum storage device thats you can open from your inventory, and would consume energy when putting things inside.

    Either you could get a few of these to further increase things you can carry, or they would just all "open" to the same stash. Possibly even to the same stash of all players on a server!

    Another possibility to carry large amounts of stuff to other places would be to give the planned robot a considerable amount of storage space, or perhaps a special kind of transportation robot.

    So no tightly packed rubber tree farms? :(

    Just thought this is a bug because its possible with other trees, since they just grow through leaves.

    just found another rubber tree mini bug: punching it gathers exactly as fast as with a stone axe(only axe i tested).