Posts by Tabris

    You just described me :p If IC2 and RP didn't alter world generation, I'd start playing now and just do other stuff, but I really don't wanna start all over again because of the world gen. I don't even know if it's possible, but it'd be awesome if mods could release like a world-gen version of mods, that just takes care of the world generation, so you can start mining etc.

    I think that there is no point in making this, the work they would have to put on it they could put on improving the mod. You just need a little patience. It's not that hard.

    Ditto. Plus Buildcraft for me.

    Was lurking here and registered just to tell you that Buildcraft already a 1.2.3, not sure if it's some sort of beta or a actual full release, but i'm using it and it seems to work fine.

    Besides that i'm on the same situation as you, if you are the kind of person that will just not play until it's all 1.2 compatible i recommend you do like me. Go do other stuff, play other games (i'm taking the time to play Mass Effect 3, very good game) and just come back from time to time to see how it's going.