Updated to NC v.1.1.3
Posts by redled72
I created a 64x Texturepack for the Mod.
Download/Info here: http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=6006
Update to Version NC v1.4.5!
My 64x Texturepack for the "Nuclear Control"-Mod. Thread here: http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=5915Screenshots:
1. Installation:
Copy the Content from Archiv to the NuclearControl-Archiv (.zip)2. Download:
Ver. 1.7 for NC 1.4.5 http://www.mediafire.com/?jd1tihy6g63wyqn
Ver. 1.6 for NC 1.1.10 http://www.mediafire.com/?y5hnu64blz5aww8
Ver. 1.5 for NC 1.1.9 http://www.mediafire.com/?7rh71a2riq6ql51Older Versions:
Ver. 1.6 for NC 1.1.10 http://www.mediafire.com/?y5hnu64blz5aww8
Ver. 1.5 for NC 1.1.9 http://www.mediafire.com/?7rh71a2riq6ql51
Ver. 1.4 for NC 1.1.8 http://www.mediafire.com/?cyxzcyh7dwucb0y
Ver. 1.2 for NC 1.1.6 http://www.mediafire.com/?99xlb0u28szg2ks
Ver. 1.1 for NC 1.1.3 http://www.mediafire.com/?o35oplsb36ufuy5
Ver. 1.0 for NC 1.1.2 http://www.mediafire.com/?wb2pdgbz17bgov2Changelog:
Ver. 1.7 for v.1.4.5
- Update to NC v.1.4.5
- add Textures for new Blocks & ItemsVer. 1.6 for NC v.1.1.10 (IC2-1.97)
- add Textures for new Blocks & Items
- update Reactor Information Panel & Information Panel ExtenderVer. 1.5 for NC v.1.1.9
- add Textures for Reactor Information Panel & Information Panel ExtenderVer. 1.4 for v.1.1.7 - v.1.1.8 (IC2-1.95)
- add Texture for Range Upgrade
- edit Block "Industrial-Alarm"Ver. 1.3 for v.1.1.6 (IC2-1.95)
- edit for better lookVer. 1.2 for v.1.1.6 (IC2-1.95)
- add new Blocks (Remote Sensor Kit)
- edit flashing light - BlocksVer. 1.1 for v.1.1.3 (IC2-1.95)
- add new Blocks (Howler- & Industrial-Alarm)Ver. 1.0 for v.1.1.2 (IC2-1.95b)
- Initial Release -
Dude, nice mod, but i can't use the defense system and the GUIs make this thing
The same here. I installed TMI.
Update to v1.2.2 for Rocket Science 0.89! (Military)
Download: http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=5527
My "Automatic Li-6 & Deuterium Production + Automatic Refill Fusion Reactor (CC controlled)"
Videos (a German LP!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLUA4zCHeNYThe CC Control Program:
Display More-- Automatic Fusion Reactor V.1.1 (Rocket Science 0.84b) by redled72 4/2012 fout = ("bottom") -- EU/Detector Output Reactor mfsu = ("left") -- Input MFSU Status (over ext. Monoflop) li6 = ("top") -- Output LI-6 Control (Redstone Maschine) deut = ("right") -- Output Deuterium Control (Redstone Maschine) ctime = 530 -- Default Cycle Time (Reactor) rs.setOutput(deut, false) rs.setOutput(li6, false) function _formattime(t) -- Format Time if t > 59 then minute = math.floor(t / 60) sekunde = math.fmod(t, 60) else minute = 0 sekunde = t end if sekunde < 10 then sekunde = "0" ..sekunde end formtime = minute.. ":" ..sekunde return formtime end function _timer(ctime) -- Cycle Timer, Default: 530sek zeit = ctime for t = 1,zeit,1 do prozent = math.floor(((100 / zeit) * t) + 0.5) prozent = (100 - prozent) ftime = _formattime(t) sleep(1) shell.run("clear") print("Time: " ..ftime.. " = " ..prozent.. "% Fuel") if rs.getInput(mfsu) == false then print("MFSUs = LOAD | Fusion Reactor = ONLINE") else print("MFSUs = FULL | Fusion Reactor = ONLINE") end if t == zeit then go = true break else go = false end end return go end function _fill() -- Reload Fuel (Li-6 + Deuterium) Timing for Redstone-Maschine!! print("Lade je 1x LI-6 + 1x Deuterium nach.") rs.setOutput(li6, true) rs.setOutput(deut, true) sleep(1.2) rs.setOutput(li6, false) rs.setOutput(deut, false) sleep(4) print("Done.") sleep(1) end function _printstat() -- Print Status shell.run("clear") if rs.getInput(fout) == false then print("MFSUs = FULL | Fusion Reactor = OFFLINE") else print("Status not available. Wait for next Cycle...") print("MFSUs = LOAD | Fusion Reactor = ONLINE") end end function _ascii() out = string.char(98,121,32,82,101,100,108,101,100,55,50) return out end s = 0 sleep(5) while s == 0 do -- Loop Status if rs.getInput(mfsu) == false and rs.getInput(fout) == false then _fill() _timer(ctime) else _printstat() end sleep(0.5) end print(newline) print("\"CC Automatic Fusion Reactor\" V1.1 " .._ascii().. "")
Download the Lua Code: http://www.mediafire.com/?cly0yl53u73575p (Instruction inside)
Used MC1.1 and waits until finish the version chaos. I will not update, because rocket science is indispensable for me.
Redled: That's a very nice texture pack you've got there. Mind if I link to it?Rocket Science is a great Mod. Link them(it).
A little 64px Texture Pack for the "Rocket Science" Mod. Military Look. Blocks = 64x64 ; Items = 32x32
My 64px Texture Pack for the Rocket Science v0.89 [NEW] & v0.84x Mod. Military Look. Blocks = 64x64 ; Items = 32x32
Military Version
Civil Version:
Military Version
1. Installation:
Copy the Content (all .png) from Archiv to rocketScience.jar2. Download:
Ver. 1.2.3 (RS-0.89) Military http://www.mediafire.com/?3x4b4j6rb7r6cjt
Ver. 1.2.1 (RS-0.84) Military http://www.mediafire.com/?deif75kkd8ab3cx
Ver. 1.2.1 (RS-0.84) Civil http://www.mediafire.com/?sd1118edz4gdlkcMirror Ver. 1.2.1 (RS-0.84) Military rocketScience-64p-i32p-1.2.1.zip
Mirror Ver. 1.2.1 (RS-0.84) Civil RocketScience-Civil-64p-i32p-1.2.1.zipOlder Versions:
Ver. 1.2 Military http://www.mediafire.com/?aklffc3yikc8wj5
Ver. 1.1 Military http://www.mediafire.com/?my7s92jpisy5em5Changelog:
Ver. 1.2.3
- Edit new Blocks (Offence, Defence etc.) for better LookVer.1.2.2
- Update to Rocket Science 0.89
- Add new Block-Textures (Laser, Offence, Defence)Ver. 1.2.1
- edit isotopic separatorVer. 1.2
- edit blocks for better Rockets & MaschinesVer. 1.1
- edit items for better lookVer. 1.0- initial Release