Posts by Kiokimaru

    Hmm how do I go about this..

    Modloder Report

    Sorry there is a lot of it.
    (P.S. I've tried using MCForge .55 too)

    Here is my report:

    Issue 1: Continuous Energy

    Let's start with a what-if scenario.

    I place a batbox down then place a glass fiber wire next to it and put a solar panel on the other side of the glass wire.

    Batbox - GlassFiberWire - SolarPanel

    I right click and the batbox is charging.

    I destroy the batbox and place it down in any random spot then right click. Oddly the batbox acts likes its still connected to the solar panel (Which it is not)

    Issue 2: Memorizing Wires?

    Let's start again with another what-if scenario.

    I place 4 batbox in a shape that much resembles the recipe for empty cells.

    A = Air

    A BB A
    BB A BB
    A BB A

    Then I place any type of wire in the center of the batboxes

    A BB A
    BB W BB
    A BB A

    Then I destroy all the batboxes and the wire still acts as if its connected to all of the batboxes (Visual and functionality). I even destroy the wire and place it down in the same spot again and it changes back to acting like as if it was connected to the batboxes.

    But if I place the wire somewhere else it will start out like it would unconnected to anything then if I connect it to something the same kind of process repeats.

    Any help or advice would be wonderful. Thanks!