Yes. You can find more detailed explanation from Alblaka in this thread.
Yeah i deleted all and it worked thanks
Yes. You can find more detailed explanation from Alblaka in this thread.
Yeah i deleted all and it worked thanks
Old API. Other mods contains old version of IC2 API classes (delete ic-api folders from the respective mods).
addons included?
Thanks, but it wasn't there.
i needed to load minecraft first then edit the config!!!
but the block ID's aren't there...
Hi, where is the config file from IC2 1.95?? i can't find it, and i need to change some ids to work with other mods!
Well, i can't find Flan's Modloader MP, Flan send me to SDK's Modloader MP, if you could give me a link i would thanks you.
And the error only appears when i put the IC2 jar inside the mods folder.
And thanks for the info about the error.
in the forum page, just below the SDK's redirect link theres a spoiler, open it and download the 1st link (for minecraft 1.2.3), it should say Client 1.2.3 V2. i recommend the use of adfly, but it your choice.
Link to the forum:…-moods-mputils-teams/#MLM
that's because you are using SDK's ModloaderMP, you have to use Flan's ModloaderMp.
It sucks i know, i want to install IC2 with Equivalent Exchange 2, but i can't because they use different ModloaderMP.