Display Moreriza8: hm somehow..i will change it in next version
SPARKST3R: Cool up to Version ? .13 ?
Not a bug i lock some Items from NEI..like SecLinkCard ,PowerLinkcard.MFDIDwrter....
only to get a VALID PowerLinkcard,SecLinkCard is to create it Ingame
Mulittool in hand Sneaking and right click to change all modi 1 is a Dev Version if you have fun with testig download it
Posts by mwdennis
I seem to have an issue where I don't see certain items in NEI (such as the SecLinkCard or the MFDIDwrter). I ran a dump of the blocks/ids and the item ids in the dump don't match up to the config file:
Display More#################### # item #################### item { I:ItemMFDIDwriter=11110 I:itemForceFieldsync=11109 I:itemForcePowerCrystal=11145 I:itemForcicium=11144 I:itemForcicumCell=11146 I:itemIDCard=11134 I:itemMFDdebugger=11111 I:itemPorjectorFocusmatrix=11133 I:itemProjectorFFDistance=11131 I:itemProjectorFFStrength=11132 I:itemProjectorModuleAdvCube=11142 I:itemProjectorModuleContainment=11140 I:itemProjectorOptionCamoflage=11141 I:itemProjectorOptionFFJammer=11139 I:itemProjectorOptionFieldFusion=11143 I:itemProjectorOptionMoobEx=11138 I:itemProjectorOptiondefencestation=11137 I:itemProjectorTypdeflector=11125 I:itemProjectorTypkube=11122 I:itemProjectorTypsphere=11121 I:itemProjectorTyptube=11126 I:itemProjectorTypwall=11124 I:itemSecLinkCard=11135 I:itemSwitch=11108 I:itemUpgradeprocutter=11130 I:itemWrench=11107 I:itemcardempty=11115 I:itemextractorbooster=11118 I:itemfc=11116 I:itemupgradecapcap=11120 I:itemupgradecaprange=11119 I:itemupgradeprodome=11129 I:itemupgradeprosubwater=11128 I:itemupgradeprozapper=11127
Display MoreItem. Name: item.itemWrench. ID: 11363 Item. Name: item.itemSwitch. ID: 11364 Item. Name: item.itemForceFieldsync. ID: 11365 Item. Name: item.ItemMFDIDwriter. ID: 11366 Item. Name: item.itemMFDdebugger. ID: 11367 Item. Unused ID: 11368 Item. Unused ID: 11369 Item. Unused ID: 11370 Item. Name: item.itemcardempty. ID: 11371 Item. Name: item.itemfc. ID: 11372 Item. Unused ID: 11373 Item. Name: item.itemextractorbooster. ID: 11374 Item. Name: item.itemupgradecaprange. ID: 11375 Item. Name: item.itemupgradecapcap. ID: 11376 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorTypsphere. ID: 11377 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorTypkube. ID: 11378 Item. Unused ID: 11379 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorTypwall. ID: 11380 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorTypdeflector. ID: 11381 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorTyptube. ID: 11382 Item. Name: item.itemupgradeprozapper. ID: 11383 Item. Name: item.itemupgradeprosubwater. ID: 11384 Item. Name: item.itemupgradeprodome. ID: 11385 Item. Name: item.itemUpgradeprocutter. ID: 11386 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorFFDistance. ID: 11387 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorFFStrength. ID: 11388 Item. Name: item.itemPorjectorFocusmatrix. ID: 11389 Item. Name: item.itemIDCard. ID: 11390 Item. Name: item.itemSecLinkCard. ID: 11391 Item. Unused ID: 11392 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorOptiondefencestation. ID: 11393 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorOptionMoobEx. ID: 11394 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorOptionFFJammer. ID: 11395 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorModuleContainment. ID: 11396 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorOptionCamoflage. ID: 11397 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorModuleAdvCube. ID: 11398 Item. Name: item.itemProjectorOptionFieldFusion. ID: 11399 Item. Name: item.itemForcicium. ID: 11400 Item. Name: item.itemForcePowerCrystal. ID: 11401 Item. Name: item.itemForcicumCell. ID: 11402
Also. not sure if this is related to the above, but I can't seem to switch between the wrench and the other modes of the multi-tool. Is there a special key for this other than the standard "m"?
Running latest version (NEI and forge 1.4.5-
Hi Silentdeath. First off I want to thank you for such a great addon mod for both BC and IC2. It truly is a seemless blending between these two major mods. I know you stated that you will not be updating this addon until 1.3, but I was hoping you would reconsider in light of the major crashes we are having running ic2 with the latest version of 1.97. Normally I would just roll back to 1.95b, but there were some fundamental fixes in SMP with 1.97 such as jetpacks finally working right, that I would hate to stay back at 1.95b due to the current incompatibility. It's a testament to your mod that I have actually rolled back to 1.95b until there is a fix. The only problem is that 1.3 is at least a month away, and I know that I am not alone when I say I have many people wanting to use 1.97 as well as your addon mod. I know real life comes first and you do this in your spare time, so I would be forever greatful (as would others), if you could somehow spare some time to update this addon to be compatible with the latest version of IC2. Thanks again for your time and this wonderful mod.
An update to my post above. It seems like your client crashes not just when you try to exit the gui, but if try to do anything while in the GUI screen as well, such as trying to drag an item from your inventory to use in that machine.
Any chance of getting this ported for over for Bukkit servers? That would give us SAs a choice between the two
I am geting errors using 3.8c on SMP with my bukkit server (running craftbukkit-1.2.3-R0.3-MCPC-SNAPSHOT-49.jar). I am using your bukkit server mod version. Whenever I open the gui, everthing is fine, but as soon as I go to exit the GUI interface, my client crashes with an server error message. Below is the output from the server log:
Codejava.lang.NullPointerException at net.minecraft.server.Container.transferTo(Container.java:33) at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleContainerClose(NetServerHandler.java:1144) at net.minecraft.server.Packet101CloseWindow.handle(SourceFile:16) at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:234) at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:118) at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:78) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:557) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:455) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:490)
Only crashes when exiting the GUIs for all 3 advanced machines.