Posts by Glow90

    Okay so i'm not sure how to conform to the rules for reporting a bug because I don't have an error report anymore which is weird. I did check and I have not seen a report on this yet, so here goes.

    Basically now that NEI updated, all IC2 items crash the client when trying to view the recipes, or use any of the machines. The maker says that it's a problem with the IC2 mod, and not theirs. I'm currently using the latest ML, MLMP, Forge, NEI and IC2. I did try something i saw here which was to update to the latest forge, and while it removed the error report given by NEI, this problem is still here.

    I'm not blaming either side, I just want to make sure this is reported so something can be done.

    Here is the link for their mod, the error is being talked about in the last few pages, and I will also give the error report from when the forge was out of date, however I don't think its the problem as it went away with the latest forge.
    NEI Version:1.2.0for1.0.0
    at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(UnknownSource)
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(UnknownSource)
    at codechicken.nei.TemplateRecipeHandler.getOtherStacks(
    at codechicken.nei.GuiRecipe.refreshSlots(
    at codechicken.nei.GuiRecipe.refreshPage(
    at codechicken.nei.GuiRecipe.c(
    at vl.a(SourceFile:91)
    at fy.a(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(
    at codechicken.nei.NEIController.onItemEvent(
    at codechicken.nei.ItemPanelStack.handleClick(
    at codechicken.nei.ItemPanel.handleClick(
    at codechicken.nei.LayoutManager.onClick(
    at codechicken.nei.NEIController.replacementClickHandler(
    at fy.a(
    at vl.f(SourceFile:116)
    at fy.f(
    at vl.i(SourceFile:104)
    at fy.i(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(

    Again, no idea if this is ic2's fault. But nei blamed it (well not blamed directly, but said it was an error on your side)
    on you guys, so im just reporting it here.