What's wrong with Super Nintendo?
Posts by JamesBond1012
"Uranium Detecctor" is more of a "Anything i really need" detector.
I believe that while you can pretty much make anything you want with the UUM you generate from your reactors, most people wouldn't waste their UUM on "anything", they would prioritize their UUM for really useful stuff like
and diamonds for
. So really, you wouldn't waste the energy you generate on things like that. Even on servers, you would need to prioritize your UUM as well. Oh, and thanks for all the replies!
You win:
I was looking around at the forum, and I'm surprised nobody has posted something about this yet. I've been doing a lot of mining lately, and I find it very hard to find uranium. I was thinking that there should be a device for finding uranium in the game. A Geiger-Muller Counter (It actually exists I didn't make it up) is used to find uranium in real life, and I was wondering if it would be possible to incorporate this somehow into IC or IC2. If you don't know what a geiger counter is, then go to this link.
------>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gieger_counter (didn't know how to make it a hyperlink, sorry)