Posts by Shiding

    I thought this might be usefull if you made some unwanted machines.
    The D.O.M. would be used to reverse the crafting process, so bassicaly you put in some IC technology, and IC Technology only
    And you get back what you used to create it ^^, but if you have multiple recipes for something, you'll get back what's worth
    the least.
    Of course this will cost a decent amount of eu to get it working

    Idea for recipe:

    :Glass Fibre: :Advanced Circuit: :Glass Fibre:
    :Wrench: :Advanced Machine: :Wrench:
    :Glass Fibre: :Advanced Circuit: :Glass Fibre:

    :Wrench: = Electric Wrench

    The GUI would be a reverse Workbench with one of 'em prosess bars

    Surry fur me spelin :D

    Some people are confused about this idea, like how it works


    Input: :Mining Laser:
    Output: :Energy Crystal: :Energy Crystal: :Intergrated Plating: :Intergrated Plating: :Intergrated Plating: :Intergrated Plating: :Advanced Circuit:
    :Intergrated Plating: = Advanced Alloy

    Major components like energy crystals, plating and circuits will be returned,
    but things like dusts will not, this will not work on Mixed Metal Ingot, since it's not technology

    All right, first, you all know the quantum suit right?
    Well it's actually too darn cheap, and a little bit weak, so i propose Quantumsuit 2.0
    Of course these little pieces of equipment would be OOOO so powerfull and OOOO so EXPENSIVE!!

    Iridium Machine
    Placable: YES
    Wearable: NO
    An extremely high tech machine, used for the most powerfull machinery is IC
    :Advanced Circuit: :Iridium: :Advanced Circuit: <- Advanced circuit
    :Iridium: :Advanced Machine: :Iridium:
    :Advanced Circuit: :Iridium: :Advanced Circuit:
    Laser Detection Unit
    Used for detecting stuff with a laser that can go trough anything without harming any blocks or monsters
    Placable: NO
    Wearable: NO
    :Advanced Circuit: :Mining Laser: :Advanced Circuit:
    :Mining Laser: :Advanced Machine: :Mining Laser:
    :Advanced Circuit: :Mining Laser: :Advanced Circuit:

    :Advanced Machine: = Iridium Machine in this recipe
    Quantumsuit Helmet 2.0
    Placable: NO
    Wearable: YES
    Capable of water breathing and monster detection
    :Advanced Circuit: :Mining Laser: :Advanced Circuit:
    :Advanced Machine: :Quantum-Helmet: :Advanced Machine:
    X :MFS-Unit: X

    :Mining Laser: = Laser Detection Unit
    :Advanced Machine: = Iridium Machine
    Quantumsuit Bodyarmor 2.0
    Placable: NO
    Wearable: DUUH!
    0% damage recieved as long as powered and capable of charging both equipment and the :Mining Laser: and :Nano Saber:
    :Advanced Circuit: :Advanced Machine: :Advanced Circuit:
    :Advanced Machine: :Quantum-Bodyarmor: :Advanced Machine:
    :Advanced Circuit: :MFS-Unit: :Advanced Circuit:

    :Advanced Machine: = Iridium Machine
    Quantumsuit Leggings 2.0
    Placable: NO
    Wearable: DUUH!
    Ctrl activated and adjustable speed, and 1 block climb up power!, you don't need to jump for 1 block high edges anymore! you'll autmatically walk over them.
    :Advanced Machine: :MFS-Unit: :Advanced Machine:
    :Advanced Circuit: :Quantum-Leggings: :Advanced Circuit:

    :Advanced Machine: = Iridium Machine
    Quantumsuit Boots 2.0
    Placable: NO
    Wearable: DUUH!
    Capable of Jumping up to 20 blocks and rocket boost, negating alot of fall damage, the rocket boost can throw you 5 blocks up.
    very usefull for ledges you can barely reach or saving you from crashing into earth! (only usable once each flight and only while in the air)
    :Advanced Circuit: :MFS-Unit: :Advanced Circuit:
    :Advanced Machine: :Quantum-Boots: :Advanced Machine:
    :Rubber Boots: X :Rubber Boots:

    :Advanced Machine: = Iridium Machine
    Master Machine
    3x3 input and output. automatically macerates, cooks, compresses or extracts whatever's inside.
    I don't know a reasonable EU/t consumption rate, so you guys decide!
    (Iron will be converted into Refined iron not iron dust, and rubberwood into rubber)
    :Extractor: :Induction Furnace: :Compressor:
    :Extractor: :Advanced Machine: :Compressor:
    :Macerator: :Advanced Circuit: :Macerator:

    :Advanced Machine: = Iridium Machine
    Iridium Cable
    Extreme blast resistance and a 1EU/40Block loss!

    :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre:
    :Glass Fibre: :Iridium: :Glass Fibre: = 8
    :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre:
    Iridium Enforced Stone
    a 100 blast resistance! (Nuclear reactor has 65 blast power (I think))
    :Intergrated Plating: :Intergrated Plating: :Intergrated Plating:
    :Intergrated Plating: :Iridium: :Intergrated Plating:=8
    :Intergrated Plating: :Intergrated Plating: :Intergrated Plating:

    :Intergrated Plating:= Reinforced Stone


    Still more to come!

    As the most of you might know, CF is a very usefull way of closing stuff up and saving yourself from lava or creepers.
    But if you want to build with it it really isn't a usefull material to use. So what I propose is that when you place scaffolds, right click them with the CF Sprayer, they get replaced with CF, so this way you'll be able to create walls without having those anoying extra blocks of CF sticking out


    I've been playing your server for... about an hour now and something strange is happening to me... I'm getting kicked out without reason. I'm getting the dirt background screen and the game is frozen. I don't think it has a link but I'm only getting kicked in Minecraft Days and not nights...

    Hey it'sa me SHIDING MinecraftCow , you must install the >2< hotfixes, one goes into the minecraft.jar the other goes into the minecraft forge classes

    somewhere around the beloved NPC village where 80% of all server inhabitants play, is an crashing chunk, everyone who comes within a certain radius of this chunk will cause massive lag within the server. sadly this :Force Field: Lag Zone :Force Field: covers the ENTIRE TOWN, the only way to get temporary rid of the lag (5 seconds) is to relog AND GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! :cursing:
    Shiding out! MinecraftNotch

    EDIT: This caused me to lose my Electric Jetpack and for some machines to dissapear :Nuke TNT:

    It has a very little loss, and can't carry even 5 eu/t. It is for solar wiring, i guess... An it is shocky!!! Very shocky... Why does ultra-low voltage shock so hard?

    I think this is becuase of some IRL rules more strenght in electricity means less speed, more speed means less strength. But yeah more strength should mean more damage :P I learned this last year on school and it was just summer vacation, so it's just an un-educated guess MinecraftPig

    First Ablaka, THANK YOU :D (The Teleporter storage is awesome :D).
    Second I want to put stuff up the wiki, i even did, but i can only edit existing pages, no non-existant.

    Ultra-Low-Current-Cable is craftable with 3 tin in a line - - - <- like that

    derpie derp derp derpston