Hello everyone !
this is my first post (and my first suggestion)
my idea was to make a new machine block , some new items and a new plant.
first , the plant. a new flower : the garden poppy.
the garden poppy's seed are used in real life to make .... morphine !
the garden poppy is a mid-tier plant. i don't know exactly how it's suppose to look like , google just give me a lot of different colored plant.
the plant should be found VERY rarely in plains or could be make by breeding rose and another plant (?)
since it's a poppy , i think it should be very weak.
once you have the seeds you need to put them in a macerator. it will become a sort of powder (wikipedia tell me it's a sort of salt )
the powder then need to be placed in an extractor , to be purified (i'm not really sure about it)
then you can craft some morphine !
the morphine is useless like this. (except for a compact storage of course) for it to work , you need to craft a needle !

(Morphine is transparent , but for visual i give it a orange color)
yeah , as you can see , i suck at pixel art...
the needle is not stackable (or stackable in a fairly low number , like 2 or 4 ? ). right click with it give you the nausea effect for about 5 sec and a fast regeneration.
i had an idea for a machine block too : the Healer !
right click with a wrench in your hand open a really easy GUI :
Only needle can be placed inside the healer.
right click with everything else will trigger an animation and will instantly heal you (without the regeneration buff and the nausea debuff)

little animation i made (very shitty , i agree)
activate it take 10 Eu (not a lot , i agree. but it only need to plant an iron stick inside you)
note that the red and green glowing LED are showing the needle left.
well , hope you'll like this suggestion ! (BTW , if you think something is overpowered or too expensive OR if you have another idea , tell me , i'd like to have some feedback !)