Posts by Alasdair

    Hey all, love everything in industrialcraft and it's the most popular mod on my tekkit server, but I'm not all that happy with how quantum (and to an extent nano) armour makes you completely invincible. I know I could turn it off, but I like the idea of rechargable armour and also the abilities like super run and super jump quantum gives you. I've seen a bunch of "nerf quantum armour" posts already, so here's my suggestion:

    Make the amount of EU that quantum armour/nano armour eats per point of damage or per special ability use a config option. That way you could keep rechargable armour with cool abilities, but if you wanted it to make you less invincible and have to actually manage the EUs, you could turn these values up - so quantum running everywhere will actually be dangerous as it runs down your armour, you might actually end up in danger if you stay in a cave too long (or try swimming through lava or jumping off high mountains), etc.