Posts by ultraboomer2
just an idea, take a look at the minemaze plugin found here,…ith-worldedit-2117.33173/ , it's an addon to worldedit that lets you make mazes... as the name would imply.
here sower, this is direwolf's quarry, a little overcomplicated, but watch the episodes he mentions to see how to build it.
oh, and beatles, johan_vu is getting a nullpointer error when he logs on, I think he's missing some mods but he insists he isn't and won;t even check.
1) the /sell command is part of essentials, but nothing has a price on the server files. and 2) something weird happened on the server as I was mining, getting and index out of bounds exception...
for ID -100... but my game loads just fine, it's when I join the problem occurs.
A LITTLE BIT LATER: and to go along with this, ddecided not to let me log in anymore from the launcher.
you got the forge integrated version of bukkit, right?