Posts by mightyhero99

    Name: Realistic Foods

    Description: All foods that have not undergone some sort of storage or preservation technique should be given a timer, before the food spoils. When the food spoils, and is eaten, there is a chance (Maybe 3/4 of the time) that a negative effect is placed upon the player, which should be able to last between 2 minutes, and 20 minutes (a little more that 2 Minecraft hours, and 24 Minecraft hours, respectively). Certain processes should be able to store the food more effectively. Also, this would add a new GUI, perhaps a thirst bar. Drinking milk, coffee, etc. should replenish the thirst bar, along with the ability to use the stone cup to gather and drink water. Lastly, this should contain several containment vessels, capable of preserving food.

    Canning machine --> canned food
    can opener: :Refined Iron: X X
    X :Refined Iron: X
    X :Refined Iron: X
    X= empty
    Can opener + Canned Food --> opened can of food
    canned food: never spoils
    opened can of food: spoils in 1 (Minecraft) day, or 20 (real) minutes

    *New Ore*
    Salt: salt should be found near water, then placed in an extractor to remove the salt.

    (pork chop/steak/chicken) + salt --> salted (pork chop/steak/chicken)
    Salted meats should be able to last up to 1 minecraft month, but only provide 1/3 the original amount of nutrients and damage the thirst bar.

    Containment vessels:
    barrel (l):
    W W W
    W W
    W :Treetap: W
    (W is wood planks)
    Barrels can store all liquids, including Milk, Water, (cold) coffee, for extended periods of time. Milk normally lasts 20 minutes (1 day/night cycle), but here, it lasts 1 hour (3 days and 3 nights). Water normally lasts 1 hour (3 days/nights), but here, it lasts 3 hours (9 days/9nights). Coffee lasts the same as milk.

    barrel (f):
    W W W
    W C W
    W C W

    W= wood plank
    C= Chest

    This barrel is capable of storing all food items. Inside, they last 3 times as long as they normally do. Works with salted meats as well.

    :Refined Iron: :Coolant Cell: :Refined Iron:

    :Intergrated Heat Dispenser: :Advanced Machine: :Intergrated Heat Dispenser:

    :Refined Iron: :Advanced Circuit: :Refined Iron:
    Whatever food you put in this has an extra thirty minecraft days added to the length before it spoils (about 100 hours)! When you take the food out, the original clock on its begins to tick again. This will not "unspoil" food or reset the original clock. Storing Liquids here works the same way.

    :Refined Iron: :Coolant Cell: :Refined Iron:

    :Coolant Cell: :Coolant Cell: :Coolant Cell:

    :Refined Iron: :Coolant Cell: :Refined Iron:

    When liquids are put here, they are frozen and unable to spoil. Put them in a furnace to heat them up again. If a Bucket of water is put here, and ice block will be made.

    :Iridium: :Advanced Circuit: :Iridium:

    :Intergrated Plating: :Advanced Machine: :Intergrated Plating:

    :Empty Cell: :Treetap: :Empty Cell:

    When you put food here, it is dehydrated and unable to spoil. Combine with a bucket of water/water cell to re-hydrate (crafting). It has a water storage tank, and will fill buckets or empty cells.

    *All machines require power*

    This would make SMP interesting, SSP harder, and the game more interesting.
    If included, please try and make it zeppelin-mod compatible. I can already imagine large ships filled with barrels sailing to deliver supplies, trade, etc.

    Please excuse all mistakes. Thank You.