Posts by rubyluise

    When I made a secret base on my old server, I made a very long skylight from my energy room to the surface and planted a dense forest around the hole. After the trees grew, I cleared out the leaves that would block the sunlight and then I was done. The only people who ever found my base were told it's location and shown the secret lake bed entrance. It was eventually greifed and destroyed, but only because I was too friendly and insisted all trades occurred at my base. Being the main supplier for the server (I knew all the (at the time) secret recipes), I was bound to accidently invite a greifer in at some point.

    I think Hidden solar panel will be the great idea that gives you the good benefit through direct from solar. Solar panel is helpful for saving the energy through its cells and silicon chips. It can easily produce ten times further electricity and establish an assertive power to supply of energy.