Posts by Bunni

    I am having this same issue, any help would be appreciated, I've tried everything in this thread.

    For me: Modloader+Forge+AudioMod+GuiAPI + TMI + IC2 = When i open my inventory I get

    Likewise: Modloader+Fordge+AudioMod+GuiMod + CodeChickenCore + Not enough Items + IC2 = the same exact error as above but get it as soon as the world loads.

    Mod versions are as follows:
    ModLoader 1.2.5
    mod_MinecraftForge (also tried .99 and .94)
    AudioMod 1.2.5
    GuiAPI 0.14.2-1.2.5
    mod_TooManyItems 1.2.5 2012-04-13
    CodeChickenCore-Client 0.5.2
    Not enough Items 1.2.2
    IC2 1.95b (even though modloader lists at 1.95? I've double checked, md5 of 1.95b matches the IC2 i have installed)

    By the way this all done on a brand new world created each time i switch out a mod.

    I've tried from a fresh-postdeleted bin, TMI and NEI work when IC2 is removed. :<