Posts by ifil03

    well i tried an ic2 pump and geothermal generator together over a source lava pool and it works but drains the lava underneath it. And then when I replenish the lava, the pump explodes, so not very fun.

    well it does mine lava, but only if it's in the mine shaft below the miner...I want all the lava in a 9x9 square around it.


    Try 10-x:1,11-x:1 in config and iterate the x.

    So when you say iterate the x, you mean substitute 0,1, or 7 for it?

    So I'm kinda new to all this minecraft stuff, but i've made several pretty advanced steps already.

    I recently built a miner with a pump, and my entire operation is lava powered. I'm wondering how I can modify my IC2.CFG file to make the miner pick up lava that is not directly under it. I know the ValuableOres list is what I have to modify, but im not sure what the lava number is or how to correctly add it to the line. My line is default and looks like this:

    valuableOres=14:3, 15:4, 16:1, 21:3, 56:5, 73:3

    I'm sure it's simple, and i'm getting tired of manually filling cells with lava for an hours worth of energy :p

    Thanks for any help in advance :D