Posts by Keither75

    I find it hard not to agree. I came searching for answers on a similar question. Why are the cells wasted? You craft cells out of tin, fill them and empty them, and then they go *poof*. Where do they go? Biofuel is a *renewable* energy source. Just like solar, water and wind. The tin is used. It's not renewable. You can't stay in one place using biofuel forever.
    Same goes for all the other cells, when they're used, the tin can magically dissapears.

    I really don't care if you're making a whole city out of tin at some point in the future. Go ahead, that sounds like fun. The FUN in the game is being able to run something efficiently so you can relax and not worry about wasting materials.

    It really put me off IC2 that there's no regain for something so simple as cells.
