yea no, if i have eto go that far i dont think my mod was ment to be
Posts by Hirvio
For an upcoming mod that utilize ic2 api i'm trying to access the internal energy storage of energysinks and wants to be able to set and get the energy content. Does anyone have an idea how i can do this?
an example of what i want to be able to do: Take energy from an macerator that have its internal storage filled, and move it to an electric furnace//Hirvio
alright, Thanks alot
i taken courses at school for Java and i got abit more extensive java knowledge, Created a Teamviewer like program for a school project,
I know how to ged MCP working with Modloader but i dont know if i like put ic2 files inside the jar then decompile or put it with the decompiled code.
And i guess if got this working i could probably figure out how to make a new generator type block.
and the finite liquid thing,
This is how i tough it would work: Each waterblock will have a "storage" of 20 or more unit and if the adjecant blocks have a lower ammount it will "transfer". -
Hello, I recently came up with this idea of expanding the Water power side of IC2 in making realistic Water + new water generators. The generators generator diffrent ammounts of EU depending on The height of water. Water will have similar properties like finiteliquids.
So the things i need help with.
How to get it working with MCP so i can start (if there is a post already on here that i couldn't find in my search i apologize)
Some basic explanation on how to make an block transmitt Eu whenever connected to the net and it wants to draw power.
Rest is pretty much already tought through so i appreciate any help
NVM Delete this thread
Hi i just made the Quantum Boots and they dont make me jump higher nor dampen fall dmg
Do i need to activate them somehow? If so how?
Hi i wonder what is the crafting recipe for The Transporter/Shield/Freqtrans???