Well, You could make a website using Google Sites. If you find a good template you don't have to do a lot of work. Here is a site I made for my friend and my server, using google sites. It has a blog feature under the information hyperlink
Posts by Rafael09ED
Forge 4.0 is for minecraft 1.3.2. It doesn't work with 1.2.5, duh.
Just rechecked the Industrial Craft Wiki, The wiki said the update was for Buildcraft 3.2!
I feel so stupid, SORRY guys! Thanks Alblaka for making this clear to me -
I have tried to install Forge 4.0 and Mod-loader to get Industrial Craft to load, but the Forge Mod Loader prevents me from loading Minecraft.
I have tried all the 4.0 versions but they don't work.
Could someone tell me how to install Industrial Craft
(I have followed the instructions on the Wiki w/ no luck.) -
Ok, So we have The Anti-Flying-Backpack-EMP 2000, The AJP-Flak 90210, and the Silenced-EU-Sky-Field 51.
Never was a fan of flyingMaybe they can be also used for other electronic things.
But If he implements a Flak Gun, then...If he implements any of theses Ideas then Industrial craft looses it's focus of construction. (Not that that is a bad thing)
This would be the 1st Anti-Steve weapon (was designed for anti mob). People would then expect more weapons.
I would Love to see a weapon part to industrial craft, but it probably will not be implemented.
Name/Nick : Rafael
IC-Forum Nick : Rafael09ED
Timezone : (UTC-05:00) Eastern TimePosition : SFX- Somebody capable of creating/searching/modifying sound files
Previous experience:
Worked with Project Brazil Team
-Made SFX for specialized requests
-SFX implemented into Project Brazil for the Fallout New Vegas computer game
-Used FL Studio and Massive to Create, Mix, and Edit Sound EffectsI just Checked my hard drive, it has 14 GB of SFX, Plus anything that I don't have can be found and
butcheredModifiedAdditional Experience
I can do some Computer Graphics, and have experience doing VFX with After Effects -
Hot-Dog Stand
ApocalypseLove the story so far