Posts by Master_Aricitic

    As I may have fixed the problem I thought I would report how I (may have) fixed it. While I am still completely unsure HOW it happens I believe it may be becoming spawned into the game (unnaturally) and this happening is causing a bug where the game thinks the block is there and active, but it is not...

    Anyway, the way I fixed it was I made the block number given to it by IDResolver to the same number the config has given it. When I reopened the save game (the latest one that was crashing) I was placed back at my spawn and my inventory was empty, but I could proceed beyond the location that crashed the game.

    So, yeah, while I still have no idea what exactly was causing the issue (perhaps the mod expecting the block to be identified as one number and the actual block being identified as another?) I was (I believe) able to resolve the issue.

    By the way, the way I thought of this was because of this thread: http://forum.industrial-craft.…age=Thread&threadID=6459& so, thank you for the information.

    After searching Google for a while I gave up and decided this needed to be reported (as it hasn't). I periodically and randomly get the following bug when playing.

    Note: the above is shortened because it simply loops until

    at java.util.HashMap.removeEntryForKey(Unknown Source)	at java.util.HashMap.remove(Unknown Source)

    I have the following mods:

    but... as it keeps saying

    at ic2.common.BlockLuminator.a(

    it is a safe assumption that it is being caused by the BlockLuminator class.

    I felt it necessary to report this as it will make a map unplayable as it just errors as you log in. If this is due to one of the other mods, let me know and I'll go report it there...

    Thank you.