Posts by ciffer

    There is not much to say. I just start server and it crashes with this error:

    These are the mods that I have loaded along with IC:…ils-teams/page__st__14400
    Guy named pinkemma posted recompiled modloader.class file which had the typo. Just download the second one and it should work OK.
    However I get some bug(?) with respawning blocks all over the place. I've got OP rights so it's not the spawn protect function.

    I've also noticed that it's starting to happen after I install forge with modified .class file. Anyone else got something like this?

    Another fix this time for forge…raft-forge/page__st__3800

    It repaires that block breaking bug

    I made myself a miner, mining drill, 14 mining pipes, a couple of batteries (yeah I charged them) and a chest. Afterwards I went to nearby cave to test it all out. I've set it up on a flat spot where I found some copper. Happily I'm turning it on hoping to see copper popping up in my chest and such but all what Miner does is just digging straight down. Am I doing something wrong or it's how it's supposed to be?