I have an interesting idea.:
- Remove the Solar Distler
- Add Water Distler
- Like Solar Distler but the machine not uses solar instead use HU (heat)
- Add Solar Heat Generator
- Generates 1 HU from solar for use water distler
- Add a config option for disable chunk loader
- Make industirial workbench connectable all other mod machines and chests instead only ic2 machines
Posts by beksgyah
Is there any way to have one generalized "on" sound, such that you know something is working, but not separate sounds for a specific machine? Maybe a generalized hum?
This is per Base IC2:
I find there's often too much sound going on, such that coming into range of my machine area doesn't always trigger every sound, or I have "dueling sounds". A Compressor may be overriding my macerators, or the macerators are overriding the sound of my extractor. I appreciate having notification my work is complete, but the clashing sounds are dissonant.
Compressor not accept partially filled Cells with compressed air for refill to full.
Partially filled Cell not extract compressed air with right-click.
Maybe this spread to other fluid, I not test.
Like a panel with some recipes you choose to save them, so you can simply click instead.