Posts by Coolfolder

    Hello. I just
    finished watching direwolf20’s mod spotlight on this mod. It looks excellent! I
    can’t wait to try it on my server.

    I have two
    suggestions. First, I suggest you change the crafting recipe of the MFFS
    Projector Sub-Water Upgrade to use a bucket of lava instead of a bucket of
    water, because the lava will (representatively) evaporate all water in the
    force field area. Second, (I am not sure if this is already implemented, as I
    did not test it) I suggest you also the user to place a personal chest with ID
    cards next to a MFFS Security Station with a MFFS External ID-Reader Add-on. This
    way other, unauthorized players cannot place their ID card in the chest.

    (based on screenshots in the recipes section): In some item/block names, there
    are two spaces after “MFFS” instead of one (such as the MFFS generator EU injector). Throughout this mod,
    in some places it is spelled projector, and in others it is spelled projektor.
    While projector is the correct spelling, I am not sure if you intended to spell
    it projektor to make it look kool. Please decide on one and make it the same
    throughout this mod. Please begin sentences with a capital letter and end them
    with a period. I have posted how the text at the beginning of your mod should
    be written. Also, please make every item/block name (tooltip) have either only the first word (after MFFS) capitalized, or every word capitalized. Some items need dashes in words, such as Sub-Water and Add-On.

    Finally, doesn’t
    direwolf20 deserve a spot on the wall of bug hunters for discovering the bug
    with the MFFS projector strength modulator not working in the MFFS modular projector?

    Thank you for
    taking the time to read this. Once again, great job, I hope you consider my
    suggestions. I also hope you understand that all the spelling corrections are
    constructive criticism, for the pure purpose of improving this mod.

    Btw, I wrote
    this entire message twice because I accidentally hit backspace and it took me
    to the previous page in my browser, erasing my entire message :( At first
    (after I raged) I was going to just ignore it and not re-write this. I decided
    to re-write this, however, so you can make your mod better.

    [Addon V1.97]Modular Force Field System
    Version 2.0_Beta 3 (SSP/SMP/Bukkit)

    Addon for IndustrialCraft 2 (1.97): The Modular Force Field System V 2.0

    This is a complete re-write of my Modular
    Force Field System Mod. I changed the whole concept to an item upgrade system (like the IC2 Overclockers, Storage Upgrades, and Transformer Upgrades) instead of multiple blocks. I removed the nuclear reactor force fields. I will be adding
    a lot of SMP security features.

    There will be
    many updates in a short time. I am in the development phase; I publish new
    features to test immediately.