Posts by PlatinumSkullz

    This is my first time having an issue with a mod and I hope I can get some help. It seems that the mod worked fine the first time I used it but after I closed the game and reopened it (and every other time after that) the textures are all messed up. I used these textures the first time:…advanced-machines-v40-v02 , however, when I try the 16x they don't work either. I have included screenshots of what is happening.

    P.S. It also has caused my graphics card to do funky things.

    In the second one the textures are missing around the boxes and they were flickering.

    Edit: I played for awhile and I went into my enchantment room and the bookshelves textures were see through also. When I removed this mod it returned to normal.

    Edit 2: Nevermind I installed another version and it works perfectly.