The moon dimension and such is both ambitious and amazing, i cant wait to see how well you pull it off.
Though, with my commendations come some rccomendations.
-A launch pad for you to set your missile on. This enables you to open up an interface that appears liek a ariel map of your area. You can either select a position on the map, OR, type in exact coordinates of the position the rocket should land in. Right-clickign the pad with a filled-out map will also allow you to be able to select a location from that map.
-Satalite guidence. You purchase a couple satalites from the launch pad. One is a GPS Satalite, on is a Missile Silo Satallite. these will launch into space, and will stay there UNLESS tageted and hit by a missile. The more GPS Satallites you have, the larger area you can select from the launch pad. Satallites can also be called down back to the surface by the central Command Block. This are also used to launch missiles from the missile silo sattalite.
-Space Station. You purchase a SPACE SHUTTLE from the launch pad that you launch from your launch pad. Once on your launch pad, you select the launch pad and load the shuttle with parts to the space station. The launch pad's GUI will tell you how close your station is to being finished, and what it needs. You create the station components whiich are EXTREMELY expensive, you load them ont he shuttle fronmt he pad's GUI, and you launch the shuttle. Once it is compelte, you may boad the shuttle and visit you station, but i will go into details in a second. From the launch pad, you may also choose to continue upgrading your station. The more you continue, the bigger it gets. Other new sections of it you can create are nuclear reactor chambers, boarding docks (same as launch pads), missile command (to launch thermo-nuclear missiles at the surface. You can also launch large mining DRONES, that appear as though they surround the earth, and they fire lasers at it to ceate quarries on the surface, the materials are shiped to the station. from the ground, they look somewhat like giant metal balls in the sky, with red lasers going into the ground.
Inside the station, you can put in generators, chests, etc. But all energy and supplies will STAY on the station, until you launch a shuttle and send the supplies to either the moon or the surface. Now, how might you get energy to either location? You craft EU Containment Pods. Load these into your shuttles cargo, and once on either world, you can place it into a machine, MFSU, etc, and deposit the enrgy, and vice versa. You may also choose to purchase a Manned Exploration Drone fromt he boarding docks. With these, you can travel in space, find rare comets filled with resources, liek coal, tin, copper, very rarely uranium, etc. Kind of like Planetoids mod. Once found, you can use up energy stored on the drone to mine the materials with a laser. these materials will be depositied in your cago hold.
Now, reading my last statement you may be wondering "purchase? what does he mean by that?" On the station, there will be NPCs. One of whitch will be on the boarding dock, and you may puchase ships from him. These ships cost IC Coins, and run off fuel.
there can also be NPCs on the moon. well, not instantlty, but rather you hire astronaughts from the moon station's launch pad. These too, cost IC Coins. You can tell them to mine moon rock (you determine what their purpose is), explore (fill out areas for you to launch missiles at from the laucnh pad), or build (they can build sections of moon-base buidlign, and when you go outside them, if you arents wearing a quantum suit, you will quickly die. They can also build reactor chambers, etc.)
-DNA Banks. You can create Mob Canisters, and when right-clicked with, a mod will be trapped inside. You now have the mob. But it's still not DNA. You must create a Mob Dissassembler that will break down the mod into tiny particles, and loaded into crafted DNA Cells. there are 2 things you can do with these, but brfore that, you msut to one more thing. You msut modify the DNA.
To modify the DNA, you create a DNA Particle Modifyer, powered by UU Matter, and you msut spend different cells like uranium and such to change the mob. Now, the way you MUST change the mob is load the DNA it with the Moon rocks i stated earlier (collected by hired astronaughts). Once this happens, the mob will ebcome a moon-mob. If placed back down on the surface, it will die. If palced ont he moon, it will stay there. Now, if you're gonna kill it anyway, you'd have to go abck and forth. NOPE. CHUCK TESTA because if also modyfied by an EGG in the DNA Particle Modifyer, once left alone long enough on the moon, one DNA Cell-created mob will repoulate and create 10 more of that mob. The evil mobs still need darkness though. the friendly mobs only need to be left alone. This way, you get 10 for the price of one!
As a side note, you may also modify DNA with other cells. A lava-induced creeper for example wille xplode and cause a surroundign area to catch on fire.
-The greatest evil. You may or may not (depending on how sick of a person you are) create Black Matter using MANY uranium, diamonds, etc. Once the Black matter is created, you may load it into a thermo-nuclear missile. Afterwards, you can launch the missile, using the launch pad, at the sun, and cause the sun to explode. this causes the entire surface world to turn into dirt, lava, barren tress, etc. Also, meteors will randomly fall from the sky of various sized, spreading the destruction even more. the entire earth will be dark, filled with creepers. Eventually, the world itself will be currupted, and explode, along with the moon. When the sun explodes, you have 10 minutes to gather EVERYTHING you care about, purchase an ARK from the launch pad (the largest spceship yet), load everytihng you have on it, and take off.
You will land on your station, gather everytihng from there, including your EU Containment Pods, and leave there. The station will be destroyed on the 8th minute of the 10 minutes you have. After that, your only hope is to move on. The ARK will continue for a while, and temporarily will br your new station. You are free to move about it while it continues on it's journey, and visit it's many things. Such as the DNA Banks you hopefully created, which will house alll the mobs in the game. It will have a farm, and things like that. You may also choose to Visit the Survivor Hall, which will house a few astronaughts, and the boarding dock manager. You may purchase from him a Manned Exploration Drone,and explore while the ARK is stilll 'moving' (in reality the ark is staying still, but it will onyl last a while). While in the MED, you can continue looking for comets to mine from, etc.
After about a day in real time of stayin on board in total, cutscene will show of the ARK landing, and many peopel getting off of it. Afterwards, it will go back to your view, and you will be spawned in the middle of a base similar to the moon base. It will ahve chests with all your belongings in them, a single solar flower and MFSU. At that moment you have not seen the new world yet, and are curious to know waht it beholds. Once outside the camp, you relaize you no longer need a quantum suit to breath like on the moon.
You are now either on Calderus, the lava-bearing, barren, hostile planet; Wihnturbroth, the snowy, sort-of plentiful, passive plannet; or Pandora. The planet of your dreams. Thick forests, tall mountains, EXTRMELY plentiful and resource-bearing planet. Do becareful though, futuristic mutated monsters live here, but if you befreind them through gifts, you can conquer the planet liek your previous domain.
You may choose to go off on your own, or stay in the camp, and upgrade it though the camp's architect. You may upgrade the protective fences, the offences turrets, the size, the type of things there (like farms, etc.), and everything else.
The planet you land on will be compeltely random, so hope you get pandora. Yes, you can still create a launch pad with missiles and such, but you cannot create a new station, because the ARK will be your new station. Witht hese new planets you face new nagers, new possibilities, and quite possible, a better future.
-When you have finally gotten so tired of the world, you may go to the ARK, int he command center, and pay either Magmus, Frohst, or Soul (found int he very core of the planets guarded by the planet's designated 'god'. To have your entire world be attacked by the ark, thermonuclear missiles, dark matter, etc. once sucked into the dark matter-created blakc hole, the ned game credits will play, and your save will br deleted shortly after and ending cutscene of your character falling into the black hole.
hey, who know,s maybe if everyone gets this recognized by aa really good team of modders, this can really be added into IC2, or as it's own mod all it's own!