Posts by xeronut
Here's a link to Minecraft Forums in the Mine & Blade thread detailing another similar crash to mine, as well as a suggestion on how to fix it . I would love to use these mods together and am saddened that this isn't currently possible.
I see your Solar Helmets mod got updated - any chance this one will get some love addressing the bug with Mine & Blade (crash report above)? IC2 by itself runs without issue but pop this mod in the mix and it's all crashes while dual-wielding.
Hello! I have used this mod for.. well, as long as I can remember. It's a nice long-term goal to set for my server, and I find my enjoyment of the game really goes up when I finally attain it - creative flight is a blast!
I have a problem, however, and it's the same as DragonZombie's above. On two different occasions with Mine & Blade installed - once dual-wielding Balkon's Weapon Mod items and then just now with dual Vanilla stone swords - I crash upon killing a mob. This is a fresh world, not even an hour old, and I've cheated nothing in. I wasn't even using a chainsaw!
Any ideas (other than uninstalling Mine & Blade, which I've done twice now)? I'd love to be able to use these mods together, and this crash is akin to my unborn son punching me in the dick.
Thanks for your time!