Posts by GTbrawlers

    - Name/Nick (just something to call you with)
    GTbrawlers, GT

    - MC-Forum Nick / IC-Forum Nick / Minecraft Acountname (preferable all of them)
    GTbrawlers / GTbrawlers / darkmatter

    - Timezone you're living in, given in GMT +-x
    GMT+00 - England

    - The position you want to take, aka: what do you want to do?
    Id like to apply for the following positions :
    -'skinner' / texturer
    -Searching / Modifying sound files
    -Youtube showcaster
    -Forum Moderator

    - Previous experience on the position mentioned above? A good spot to throw links at previous projects/activitys of yours.
    -Although i have no 'professional' software to do skinning / texturing i do my own textures for mod projects and im quite good at player skins.
    -I am also familiar with all sorts of sound files and formats and have also tried creating my own music so i should be good with modifiying them.
    -I also chose youtube showcastor aswell because i have a small but loyal fanbase and possibly access to a channel with over 10 million views. I speak fluent english and my voice has changed since my last youtube video's. Iv also had experience in creating video;s for years and would do good in creating tutorials for IC2.
    -Although moderator was not on the list you wanted, iv had over 4 years experience in forum creation and interaction and been apart of massive gaming communities as a high ranking user / moderator. I also have my own forums now and know how to handle them so if you need any extra hands to watch over the forums then id be glad to help.

    Thanks for reading and heres the link to my youtube channel's for evidence

    I am also learning java script and am a fast learner so if you need any extra hands point me in the right direction.