Posts by chaos_legion

    How about making old machines slower\consuming more energy per operation, small operation fail chance (loose item) instead of breaking it completely ?

    That wuold still alow to make fully automated factories (less effective though)

    There should also be universal repair kit (recipe is wrench, some circuits, ets. use scrapbox as ammo ?)

    [randomness]Begone thy Qsuit nerfing scum! [/randomness]
    But that's EXACTLY the point of the Qsuit: Give you badass armour to be nearly invincible at endgame. And then you can call it quits and nuke the bullshit out of your base and live... Just. >_>

    the last time i've reached endgame in IC2 I nuked minecraft on my PC. Endgames kill game.

    Immortal armor is pretty much endgame so to avoid it I offer smthng less powerful and more expencive to craft.
    EE imho made a mistake by making its endgame pretty much creative mode. If I wanted it that way I would play in creative from the very begining.
    Game should not be easy/ it should be hard. Hard equals interesting whether beating mobs or powering up you entire base.

    How about seriously nerfing quantim suit ? The way it is now its a god mode. Cant die, cant starve, cant fall to death. Almost zero energy consumption level.

    How about make 20 times more energy consumption and capacity?
    Also make half a heart is a minimum damage rate (explosion, lava swim whatsoever)
    Maybe increase hit points (if possible)

    Now upgrades make sence
    Going to hell (i mean nether) - pick fire resistance
    Building skyscrapers - fall resistance, jetpack, grapling hooks (fail?), magnet boots
    exploring - teleport back to base, minimap, time, coords, etc
    mining - additional inventory slots, x-ray(maybe toggleable and energy expencive)

    It's gonna make you craft several suits for different purpose and will make IC2 more sandboxlike instead of having endgame suit.

    there are many things between cpu and calculating diferrent stuff for IC2 machines. Things like Os, java, minecraft itself and none of these things are perfect.
    I still have some lags spikes even using hexacore with 16GB Ram.So its all about optimization

    I know that RC coke bricks can lag because they all make checks every few ticks whether they form Coke oven or not.

    Here it could be some universal block that exists in all multiblock machines like control panel or transformer.

    Coding could also form it like a single machine (like cokeoven) and be treated like single machine in code to reduce lags etc.

    Designs are not an issue, since recipes doesn't make much sense either.

    I guess coding is a real problem/ This and a fact that it would make mod more hardcore and maybe less popular.

    The whole idea sounds like IC3 at least

    p.s. there is a "steam power" mod for Universal electricity (still in early beta) that makes smthng similar. Some dude made his first mod with that idea in mind so I dont think that it is impossible

    Guess UV lamp will scare away mobs unless they are trapped in confined space.

    Maybe it makes sence to implement this function in existing luminators. The way it is now Jack-o-lanterns are more effective than luminators

    It's kind of crazy, complicated and revolutionary idea at the same time.

    We do have advanced machines now thanx to alblaka. :thumbup:
    We have wires and pipes to connect these machines.

    I think the next step would be a Multi-Block engineering(TM) !!!!11

    It's pretty much like nuclear reactor with chambers in IC2 or blast furnace\coke oven in RC as it is now but on a much bigger scale. Let's say 5x5x5 blocks.

    for instance coal power plant would require:
    1) coal burning chamber( to burn stuff)
    2) water tank
    3) wind generator
    4) transformer to (output electricity)
    5) maybe battery box
    6) maybe kinda chest to store tons of coal

    that very setup would require 2x2x2 or 3x3x3 blocks

    now nuclear plant could require:

    1) Nuclear reactor with chambers
    2) several water tanks
    3) several wind generators
    4) transformer to (output electricity) with coils
    5) maybe mfsu
    6) control panel
    7) pumps for water
    8) etc

    The main idea is to craft blocks that means little or nothing by itself and then to combine them in powerful and complicated machine.
    machines designe could be predetermined (like recipes)
    Simmilar blocks could be used in several machines (like control panels) while some blocks are machine specific ( like nuclear chambers)

    Right now we all pack machine in one block making it more and more expensive to craft but there is an alternative:
    make multiblock machines!

    Free space is not a problem in Minecraft so why not use it ?

    I would replace luminator recipe with more expensive wire and\or hardened glass (forgot exact name for it) and it would be completely new lamp
    or add additional toggleable mode for luminator for additional energy consumption of course (like redstone signal to toggle UV mode)

    Ultra-Violet lamps that damage (or at least scare away) sceletons and zombies similar to sunlight but could be used at night or in dungeons\rooms etc.
    require electricity/wiring (of course)
    Could emit or not emit lights (for mob farming)