Posts by BChart2


    I started playing minecraft about a year ago, and in just a few months, the thrill wore off. It was then that my friend introduced me to modding, and I've been in love with it ever since. :) I love playing on modded servers like these, and I've never tried SMP Mystcraft, and would like to try it out now. I'm experienced with most of the mods in this server pack, and would like to learn more about the ones I don't.
    Oh, and I already have it installed, just FYI.

    They're listed in the crash log, but here's a list with version numbers.

    IC2 itself works fine, but there seems to be a conflict while using reactors somewhere that I'm not aware of. If someone could diagnose the problem, that'd be nice.

    I'm using IC2 1.106, with Minecraft 1.3.2

    IC2 itself works fine, but there seems to be a conflict while using reactors somewhere that I'm not aware of. If someone could diagnose the problem, that'd be nice.

    I'm using IC2 1.106, with Minecraft 1.3.2