Posts by Zombie
I've tried to squeeze in 5 before but I couldn't figure out what setup would work, Then yesterday I started to play MC again and decided to check up on any new designs and figured id try it again.
Lots of good designs btw, and even better no diamonds for the times I can't seem to find any.
Made a design that doesn't use OC vents like my last one :P, 6 Chamber, 1500 eu/t, EFF 15 and uses 16 cells per cycle.
Low efficiency makes me sad.
Testing in-game now.
(Edit) Full cycle with no problems, Tested on build 2.0.354
Yeah forgot to add that I hadn't noticed that heating cells were gone after I changed the design lol.
Edit: Tested on a new world with only IC2 and Nuclear Control, Heat Exchangers still doing 16 and 8.
Here's a 7 chamber reactor with 3 quad cells, it shouldn't cool down on its own. It uses mostly OC vents but not enough to pull more than it will produce with 2 Advanced Exchangers and 1 Heat Exchanger.
It looks like Advanced Exchangers pull 16 core heat and regulars pull 8 now, not sure if it's intended or a bug.
This design is working so far In-game.
Im not sure if I did it right but it looks like that spreadsheet says your reactor is using 7 cells (and producing 36M EU) but actually using 8 leading to the wrong values. : P
Values when using 8 Uranium cells.
Profit per uranium per cycle: 4226123.875
Profit per uranium per cycle in UU-Matter: 23.62190341909484
I had that problem too, If you shift click the cells they should be created without a bar, crafting by picking them up from the slot seems to be what causes it.
Maybe the OP could place spoiler tags with info and links to alternate designs. (So it won't get so crowded)
Hmm that was weird
It's amazing how refined these desgins can get when multiple people change them.
Uses slightly more iron and tin but lots less copper.
Cheaper version of the cheaper version SSD made of the 280/t 4.67 EF reactor.
Saw the new Hybrid section and figured since I usually use hybrids id post one.
Uses heating cells so you don't have to heat it up.
6 Chambers, 24.5 Cells recharged per cycle, 160 EU/t, EF 4.
Cost: 937 Copper, 96 Tin, 26 Bronze, 302 Iron, 40 Gold, and 4 Diamonds.
It will use up 4 DCPs and 8 Uranium per cycle.
Edit: Changed it a little. 69 less Copper, 3 tin, and 6 Bronze. 14 more Iron, 2 Gold, and a Diamond.
40.5 Cells per cycle.
The problem seems to be that cooling cells don't store enough heat to make them worth using, since your going to need to use an exchanger anyway you might as well use a vent instead. If its not an MK 1 its going to be an MK 5 with a ridiculous cooldown time, and if it isnt an MK 1 or 5 than a component vent or 2 will fix it.
It sucks because I liked to burn up cooling cells with a higher efficiency and eu/t reactor, not quite as powerful as a CASUC but I didn't use that much power.
Edit: I like your idea of cooling cells being able to exchange heat quicker.
Also the OC vent do the most cooling AND pull heat from the core so not only is it the best cooling but you dont need exchanger so transfer heat to it, meaning you can fit more vents into the reactor.
Quadrant VI I beleive is what you named this one.
It doesn't look like the heating cells are doing anything, too much cooling for it to work.
You should be able to get it to be alot cheaper if you change some stuff around, also you will get better efficiency.
Still 2 chambers on both of these, and both will create more uranium than they use.
If you dont want to replace the cells mid cycle.
And if you do want to replace them you can get some more eu/t out of it. . Has some extra room for plating so you can charge more cells.
Edit: Second design with 1 less diamond.
The 280 eu/t 4.67 EF Reactor
Cost less than the one SSD revised to be cheaper.
SSD's http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…utapj28nuoga61aerwo7ehe68
If it's not counting the copper used than the cost for any design with gold vents is actually alot higher.
Is the Reactor Planner not working correctly? The resources tab shows 446 copper for mine and 445 copper for yours. I only posted the design I used because the copper was basicly the same and although it does take more gold, I often have more than I can use.
7 EF Reactor that uses reflectors like the one TheBard made but with one less chamber, uses 1 extra copper bar and some more gold but less tin/iron.
4 Chambers, EF 7 (reflectors), 140 eu/t.
Cost: 446 Copper, 128 Tin, 238 Iron, and 58 Gold.
Oh, oops thought I posted a different one.
Came up with this one last night, http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…1gj5li3pghu9hfb8c6uwza8e8 it takes a little less copper and more iron/tin/gold but the eu/t and EF is also higher.