[OFFICIAL] List of good reactor designs Zombie Sep 28th 2012 Can't seem to get any good setups with a good eu/t average other than mk 1's so heres another. http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…1gj5li3pghu9hfb8c6uwza8e8280 eu/t, 4.67 EF, 6 Chambers.Cost: 439 Copper, 101 Tin, 332 Iron, and 82 Gold.
[OFFICIAL] List of good reactor designs Zombie Sep 27th 2012 Haven't posted here before, but here it goes. http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…d83b78y8enonfoolys5g23280Base Reactor, 100 eu/t, 3.33 EFCost is 74 Copper, 25 Tin, 98 Iron, 22 Gold.Edit: Oops its 0 chambers.