Posts by lieronet

    Stumbled across the same design today at work, optimized the materials bill a bit (~64 less copper and iron for ~20 more rubber and gold).

    I think there's still a bit of room for optimization here, I've still got ten excess cooling in the design.

    EDIT I was right! Got the design into five chambers http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…h87tx3235cls2qtvhcjanp79c

    Final bill of materials:

    Copper: 431
    Tin: 93
    Iron: 304
    Gold: 38
    Rubber: 61
    Redstone: 26
    Glowstone+Lapis: 2
    Uranium: 12

    Overall I like how much more powerful reactors are now. They finally feel like the EU output is on par with the time and resources sunk in them, and are probably competitive with HV solars now for a high-end power plant. On the other hand, it doesn't feel like there's as much room for variety in designs. Feels like most designs boil down to checkerboarding overclocked fans and component fans, and it's very difficult to hit anything other than MkI or MkV. Looking forward to seeing where the devs take the system from here.