Okay, thanks a lot
I will change my cables now!
But a last quesion, a batbox charged with 33solarpanals will break it? Or can I charge with any power?!
(I really really like the new system, it's more real)
Okay, thanks a lot
I will change my cables now!
But a last quesion, a batbox charged with 33solarpanals will break it? Or can I charge with any power?!
(I really really like the new system, it's more real)
Okay, my example was bad
Other example.
If I want to use 33 solar panals with tin cable (32eu), is it possible. In older versions it was, because the package size was one. But now? Must I add 1 + 1 + 1 ..... = 33 eu = copper cable 128eu, or is it the same like 33x1eu = tin?
I hope the new exampe is better then the old!
I have a question of the EU-System of the IC2 experimental release.
In older versions of ic, it was possible to place 2 mfsu parallel on a glass fiber cable with 512eu\t.
Is it the same in the experimental ic or must I use a cable with min 1024eu\t or more?
Thanks a lot for helpig .
PS: My version is Build #355 (07.01.2014 15:32:39)
Okay, thanks !
The system is easier than I thought XD
Quote from CrafterOfMines57
I don't understand the question, putting a 5 eu packet into a 512 eu cable will make it go through the cable normally
Sorry, the question is: Is there a transformer betwene the 5 EU and 512 EU package, what happens.
Case1: The transformer Emit every 512/5= 102.4t a 512 EU package?
Case2: The transformer Emit directly 5 EU/t
If i understand it, it must case 1 because after a transformer the package size is 512EU/t !
Quote from CrafterOfMines57
The 2048 eu packet would be made into 4 512 eu packets, it would only go through the cable to the transformer if there was an MFE or some other machine on the other side even if it doesn't take HV power
Okay, and if there is a Machine on other side that requires 32EU/t ?
What happens with the other packages?
Case 1: The transformer split 2048 EU in ? 4 512 eu packages and drop 3 because only one consumer is connected?
Case 2: The transformer split 2048 EU in ? 4 512 eu packages and store 3 because only one consumer is connected? (2048/512=4 --> Every 4 tick emit a HV Transformer EU?)
Thanks again for all the answers, but I try to just understand the system properly.
If I try to emit 5 Eu in a 512 Eu package, what happens?
512/5= 512 Eu/102.4t ?
And if I try a 2048 Eu package put in 512 Eu packages, what happens?
But if no mfe after the hv transforner the other 3 packages are lost or .....?
Okay, thanks all !
I understand, the limit is only the package size of 512 EU, but you can emit unlimited Packeges (With more parallel generators or bat or ...)
I have a question about the maximum EU that a glass fibre cable can emit and how many EU can I input in a mfs unit.
MFSU: 512 EU
Glass fibre cable: 512 EU
But I tried it in creative mode and this is the solution:
What is the maximum EU?
Okay, it seems there is no bug.
I created a new World and it runs...
Hay CrafterOfMines57 !
I do not cry, "hay there is a bug".
I like these mod and would report a bug. And it is a bug !
I put a Bucket in it, the mill starts to emit EU. After a few seconds the mill stops. --> And there is a new water bucket in the mill (with water <-----
If close the game, and open it, the mill emit a few secounds, then the same....
I have a Problem with the water mill.
I connected 2 water mills with a BadBox, after a while (5-20 sec) the mill stops to emit power. I used a bukkit for transport water into the mill ! Tha Bad box was not full.