Posts by Stuntrally
Can someone give me some basic instruction of how to set up and start using the IC2 API?
Error with retroguard on your step 6 while decompiling vanilla folder ic2:
Code== MCP 7.2 (data: 7.2, client: 1.3.2, server: 1.3.2) ==# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, astyle, astyle config> Creating Retroguard config files!! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!== Decompiling client using fernflower ==> Creating SRGs> Applying Retroguard'"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_06\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;lib;lib\*;jars\bin\mine...' failed : 1 == ERRORS FOUND == Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound net/minecraftforge/common/ISidedInventory================== Decompile failedPress any key to continue . . .
You have to copy the ic2/common directory from mcp/src/minecraft into mcp/src/common/ic2 of a mcp-forge folder. Take the API from the zip to complete the sources.
So you need a 2. mcp folder + forge-src and the run mcp/forge/install.cmd to become a mcp decompilation including forge sources.
If you do right, you will have 66 or 67 errors, but they will fast fixed.
I'm sorry, what?
I couldn't understand that. At all.
How are you decompiling Minecraft and setting up Eclipse?
First I take a clean Minecraft .jar and install the newest versions of IC2 and Forge. Game works fine. I copy the bin and lib files into jar and lib, respectively. I decompile with a few errors that seemed commonplace (someone else got the same thing earlier in the thread), but when I choose the eclipse folder as my workspace, it gets like 1000+ errors with the code.
Is anyone else having the same problem?
Not sure what to do, 1189 errors, 7 warnings, minecraft won't even boot when I try to run it through eclipse.
Alright, cool. Only problem is that eclipse spits out 100+ errors in the client files?
Thanks. Another clueless question, I'm not using eclipse, so where must I save the mod file and what must it be titled?
I looked through the code and I'm planning on making a new generator. Do I need a mod_Whatever file? Where would I reference the textures? (Haven't used forge before)
If only the patch was updated. It must be a universal problem.
Please help me with the error :C
== MCP 7.2 (data: 7.2, client: 1.3.2, server: 1.3.2) ==# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, astyle, astyle config!! Updates available. Please run updatemcp to get them. !!> Creating Retroguard config files!! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!== Decompiling client using fernflower ==> Creating SRGs> Applying Retroguard> Applying MCInjector> Unpacking jar> Copying classes> Decompiling> Copying sources> Applying fernflower fixes> Applying patches'runtime\bin\applydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ..\..\temp\temp.patch -d src\minecraft' failed : 1 == ERRORS FOUND == 2 out of 2 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file 'net\minecraft\src\DedicatedServ#'2 out of 2 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file 'net\minecraft\src\IntegratedSer#'2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 'net\minecraft\src\'1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file 'net\minecraft\src\RenderGlobal.#'================== > Cleaning comments- Done in 542.54 seconds== Reformating client ==> Cleaning sources> Replacing OpenGL constants> Reformating sources- Done in 62.89 seconds== Updating client ==> Adding javadoc> Renaming sources- Done in 57.56 seconds!! server already decompiled. Run cleanup before decompiling again !!== Recompiling client ==> Cleaning bin> Recompiling'"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_06\bin\javac" -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -source 1.6 -target 1....' failed : 1 == ERRORS FOUND == src\minecraft\ic2\common\ error: '(' or '[' expected EntityItem var10000 = new EntityItem; ^ src\minecraft\ic2\common\ error: <identifier> expected var10000.<init>(var9, var1, var10004, var5, ItemScrapbox.getDrop(var9)); ^ 2 errors================== Initial client recompile failed, correct source then run updatemd5Press any key to continue . . .
I get these errors after getting the decompile to work. Help!
Stoopid me... Figured out the error.
few minor errors is a bit of an understatement, all of the base mc class name, methods, and vars are randomized (aka may be called
o... that and it won't recompile most of the timeSo what should I do? I'm going to try to add a new generator and a few new items.
GregoriusT has a nice step by step thing on this subject in his profile
Where would I find the forge MP download?
First, make a furnace-like block and all other classes (TileEntity, Recipes, etc.) Make your TileEntity class implement IEnergySink and IEnergyStorage (if you want it to store EU like other machines). Also, use this guide, it will help you.
How do I decompile IC2?
I have no idea, sorry.
So how would I get started? (Decompile/create new machine?)
I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to show me how to get started making an IC2 addon? I've modded Minecraft before but have no idea how to go about adding new IC2 machines and items. Any help would be appriciated!