Posts by The_Paragon

    Yeah, I figured that first one must be something in IC2's API. Here's hopin' they fix that for the next release.

    Okay, so I tested the SlowGrinder with each voltage: Low, Medium, High, and Extreme. Low and Medium worked just fine, the machine drew power and completed operations normally. Upon attempting to use the machine at High or Extreme Voltage, instead of the machine, the debugger exploded.

    I think I may have a solution for your GUI space issues. Perhaps a dual-input slot and a dual-output slot, like so?

    Okay, you're going to hate me, but I found another bug.

    The Slow Grinder throws the following NPE if it runs out of power during an operation.

    At first I thought it might be related to IC#106's eNet issues, but I also tested with the open beta (which supposedly fixes said eNet issues) and received the same error.

    Also, I'm not sure whether this is at all related, but the machines seem to be voltage-safe. For example, the Slow Grinder will only perform work if it is fed Low Voltage, but doesn't explode or throw any other kind of tantrum when it is fed higher voltages; it simply does not accept them. Perhaps this is actually a feature in disguise! Thank you in advance for your time and effort.

    EDIT: Throwing in a couple other observations here - The Slag Generator doesn't appear to accept Coal, Charcoal, or IC2 Fuel. Is that intentional? Also, on the GUI for the Electric Wood Gassificator, the input slot for Tincells overlaps with the title. If you didn't hate me before, I'm sure you do now :P