1.6.4 Experimental Recipe Question

  • Just wondering what recipes don't work in the crafting table? I can make some things like the treetap but when I try to make copper wires and iron furnaces nothing results from the combo. Is this a known bug at the moment because I didn't see anything listed in the bug tracker. Thanks a bunch. Oh yeah, I am on build 290.

  • Do you also use GregTech? It changes a lot of the recipes.

    Otherwise, I recommend using NEI (Not Enough Items) it shows you every vanilla recipe and even recipe for machines if you have the right plugins for it.

  • So I did a bit more checking, I spawned some materials in creative mode and was able to construct a reactor. This leads me to believe the latest experimental might be bugged for wires?

  • If you believe you have found a bug, head over to the IC2 bugtracker and submit a bug report. However "I think it's bugged" is not a valid bug report. You will need to document your findings in detail and provide reproduction steps for the devs to recreate the issue so they can see what's wrong and fix it.