Suggestion/Maybe bug..:Machines don't produce block updates

  • For the background on why I'm interested in this phenomenon see this video:

    I attempted to use the BUDS to activate when using both an electric furnace and a generator. I didn't test other machines as I didn't have the mats to mass procude machines to try with.

    Neither of these blocks when they went from active to inactive or vice verse, i.e. when they're front face graphic changed either by smelting a dust or by burning something, would activate the buds. It seems as if the machines aren't causing block updates like standard blocks do. Is this intended, or just something that wasn't implemented?

    How hard would it be to make it so, and would it cause issues in other areas of IC if it was implemented.

    I had an idea for what I was referring to as "supply/demand smelting" I did this in IC 1 with build craft, a pressure plate, wooden tubes and a vacuum tube. Once I saw the BUDS phenomenon I realized it would actually make my supply/demand system less clunky and prone to messing up.

    Of course this would truly be unnecessary if the suggestion: make machines power nearby redstone when active was in.

    Anyway, just curious if there was a reason it wasn't working as expected.
    Thanks for a great mod, absolutely love IC in general and the improvements in IC2 are phenomenal.

    • Official Post

    Your mechanism depends on a piston bug.

    IC2 doesn't replace blocks anymore as IC1 did, it just changes the texture and causes MC to update it. This performs better and halves the block id consumption, we'll certainly not change this behavior.

  • Fantastic, thanks for the response.

    Makes perfect sense to do it that way, it was just.. different behavior from other blocks of course.
    And yes, of course it could be done with redstone pipes, but wasn't really the point of the question :)

    Thanks again.