TileEntityCable.onUnloaded massive CPU Time

  • Hey,

    I don´t think that this is normal. Just take a look to this snapshot: http://i.imgur.com/i4Su8Qd.png.
    Yes I use mcpc, but this snapshot is from the server running without mcpc (forge only) for test purposes and to make sure that it is not a mcpc issue. So I know you all don´t like mcpc, but I have proof that it is the same without it as you can see on the screenshot of the snapshot, so don´t pull it over to mcpc.

    Edit: where is the e-mail subscribe button for threads ?

  • Good that you test it without mcpc but your post contains so little information that no-one will be able to help you.

    Industrialcraft² Version? Forge Version? Forge logs? Can you narrow it down to a specific area / specific blocks? Maybe you have a chunkloader near a lot of machines that's bugging out, causing the chunk to be unloaded quite a lot?