ok so im using
Minecraft 1.6.4
IC2 1.118.401-IF
BuildCraft 4.2.2
Logistics Pipes 0.7.4.dev.113
now my mods are abit of a mismatch, the joys of running specified servers for crummy pc's.
so i connected a cable to the Logistics Power Junction and this happened
Paste Bin
so i figured lets cover all Bases a generator says this
Paste Bin
Basically, SS,DD from all the errors i have hit the past few crashes to do with IC2 its all API issues, is there a way i can resolve this bull myself?
is there a more compatible IC2 or BC i can change to?
if i have to modify the mods myself to fix this i will i just don't want to wait 3 weeks for devs to tell me 'we cant help you were past that'
There is also no info about this, that i have found, there all different enough to be totally unrelated.
Thanks guys