Gregtech-addon-addon Idea

  • Gregtech's new meta-tools have pulled me away from Tinker's Construct :P but it'll be nice if I could make a tool similar to the hammer from tinker's. Maybe called a 'Giant Hammer', or 'Rock Smasher'. It would have a reduced mining speed from the pickaxe equivalent, but 2x the durability. Electric versions would be nice too, since that's something Tinkers itself is now lacking. An example recipe would be this:

    H I H
    F I Y
    x I x

    where H: Hammer head, I: Steel Rod, Y: Hammer, F: File, and x: nothing

    This would make a Giant Hammer/Rock Smasher of the same material as the Hammer heads. The Electric versions would be crafted like so

    D D D
    P I P
    S B W

    where D: Drill head, P: Plate(Stainless Steel for LV, Titanium for MV, Tungstensteel for HV), I: Aluminium Rod(?), S: Screwdriver, B:Battery of correct tier(GT battery that is), and W: Wire Cutter

    The electric version will have the same buffs as the electric drill/chainsaw do.

    Now you see me, now you don't...

  • Can someone point me to information about these "meta-tools"?
    I've never heard of them and want to learn more about tools that manage to compete with TC's stuff.

    • Official Post

    @Pyure:Those are from GT5 and are relatively new. Since they haven't been really documented i will post a compacted information about them.

    Metatools are tools that can be made from most materials that GregTech has registered in its material list (metamaterials), including materials from other mods like thaumium, firestone, blue and red steel (edit: TFC - woops, can be produced within GT itself), thaumcraft shards, generic gems...

    Each material has unique properties as durability, hardness (mining level), weight (mining speed) and special abilities (enchants).
    Some metatools have unique abilities regardless of material type too. Electric Tools are also meta-tools (as their "heads" can be made of any metamaterial).
    Metatools include all possible "tool" you can use, from screwdriving to mining, with some "unique" additions like a branch cutter (aka forestry grafter) and scoop (forestry scoop that works on adventure and has a waaaay greater durability)

    A small note is that Greg added 2 enchants, one called "Radioactivity" for radioactive materials (thus you need a hazmat suit to use tools made of them or you will get poisoned) and another called "Disjunction" for silverish materials (remember the RedPower silver dagger?, bonus damage against endermen).

  • To add to that, Gregtech has A TON of materials useable for tools. Also there are drills and chainsaws, but unlike vanilla IC2 they aren't infinite durability, although they have a much higher dura than pickaxes and the mining speed is increased by 2x,3x or 4x at LV, MV, and HV, respectively. There are also other types of tools, such as a Grafter and Scoop equivalent, a Butchery Knife with free Looting, a jackhammer which tears through stone at 8x the mining speed of the base material. :)

    Also, Red and Blue steel are originally from TerraFirmaCraft :P

    Now you see me, now you don't...

  • I have been wanting this too. It is great for base digging, and can be OP for mining unless it, say drops less than the usual amount of resources... maybe has a 5% block destroy chance?
    Again, post this on the suggestion thread.

  • This is fantastic info guys, thanks.

    I can't imagine ppl will come running from TiCo though unless there are area-smashing equivalents for the hammer and excavator (not necessarily 3x3 but better than 1x1)

    When terrain-prepping an area, I can't think of any handheld tools in GT that are nearly as handy. The laser mining drill is fun as hell but doesn't quite cut it.

  • This is fantastic info guys, thanks.

    I can't imagine ppl will come running from TiCo though unless there are area-smashing equivalents for the hammer and excavator (not necessarily 3x3 but better than 1x1)

    When terrain-prepping an area, I can't think of any handheld tools in GT that are nearly as handy. The laser mining drill is fun as hell but doesn't quite cut it.

    That's kinda what this suggestion is trying to change ;)

    Also, there is already the Plow, but that only digs a 3x3 of snow :/

    Now you see me, now you don't...