1.7.10 how to provide constant EU energy to transmit it to GT-MV-transformer

  • IC2 559 -> only version, whitch ist supported by GT

    Energy from a MFE seems to fluctuate and don´t follow their specification (constant output 512EU/t) -> connetion to a GT transformer (the only converter block to transform new IC2 energy to new GT energy) let them expode.

    Is there a methode (other than batteries!) to support IC2 Energy to GT transformers, that GT transformer will accept (and don´t destroy my factory)?

    Es gibt nichts Gutes, ausser man tut es (Erich Kästner)

  • I search for a IC2 part, that provide constant EU/t (to connect them to GT). Thats why I placed this Question in "IC2 support" forum and not (as 2. time) at GT forum...

    Es gibt nichts Gutes, ausser man tut es (Erich Kästner)

    • Official Post

    From what i know, the recent changes in IC2 energy net made GT machines simply explode. I bet you will have to use the battery method (enjoy making automation systems for that) and wait for a stable GT release. {You know that you're using the test version, aye?}

    You can also focus on GT generators for power production.

  • On our server I have a nice windpark, and I changed from compactwindmill to new IC2 wind energy. Thats why I search for an easy solution with IC energy generation and GT fabrication. In some mods, there are sometimes blocks, they support old and new APIs, if maybe energy net change, and I hoped, IC2 has also such one. It is not always usus, that a mod with many addons change energy without compatibility block.

    Es gibt nichts Gutes, ausser man tut es (Erich Kästner)

    Edited once, last by Ngar ().

  • I'm afraid so.
    ja, leider (de)

    Es gibt nichts Gutes, ausser man tut es (Erich Kästner)