Well you need the voltage of 33 EU or higher that it explodes... So i know why it did explode...

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10|1.8.9|1.10.2] Uncomplication, IC2Classic E-Net, IC2Classic Recipes, Old UUMatter... And all of that for IC2Exp.
I had a problem with cables not connecting to other cables and machines after the chuck unloads, on a server.
Edit: Here is a screenshot of that happening while I was livestreaming. http://prntscr.com/7ymz3d
I had a problem with cables not connecting to other cables and machines after the chuck unloads, on a server.
Edit: Here is a screenshot of that happening while I was livestreaming. http://prntscr.com/7ymz3d
Could you show us the mc logger from the steam (full log) that would be helpfull because the Enet should print everything...
I don't think there is any relevant information here, but. I tested it again and it happened after I reloged.
Here is the full fml-server-latest
http://paste.ubuntu.com/11971065/ -
I don't think there is any relevant information here, but. I tested it again and it happened after I reloged.
Here is the full fml-server-latest
http://paste.ubuntu.com/11971065/one thing i nodest is that your log is full of crap... Some mods log way to much...
And it gave me a couple informations...
You said it happens on worldReload right?
And it works when you load the world after the game start? (First world load that instance) -
one thing i nodest is that your log is full of crap... Some mods log way to much...
And it gave me a couple informations...
You said it happens on worldReload right?
And it works when you load the world after the game start? (First world load that instance)The first time the world loads the cables seem to be connected, I havent tested if energy was flowing correctly though. It happens after I log off for like 5 minutes and then come back, sry but idk the chunk or world event that causes that.
The first time the world loads the cables seem to be connected, I havent tested if energy was flowing correctly though. It happens after I log off for like 5 minutes and then come back, sry but idk the chunk or world event that causes that.
Yeah i saw the problem already... I am currently working on a IC2 Classic fix... Chunkloading is not the problem. If the chunks deactivate it happens everything how it should be...
But when the World Unloads then the Chunks get not unloaded... They get saved and then simply deleted the data. So no really unloading is happening.
I tested that in my dev invioment for IC2 Classic and did also make a fix for that... Soon the next update for that is comming.The fix need a couple days because i am letting it test so it runs smooth and do not need to add extra stuff for that. Because there are some additions to that which i want to make. (More stable Enet)
Info for @Aroma: Please check in IC2 Exp if they clean up on world unload the EnergyNet (because the world do not call the onChunkUnloaded event on worldUnload) and also please let me do the fix for that.
Simply thing what you can do to prevent this thing on servers Keep the world loaded. As long the server is keeping the World loaded it fires onChunkUnload events and clean the Enet up... Thanks to you i could find these bugs ^^"
Bug not present in IC2Exp.
Yeah because you delete the WorldData on World Unload which classic does not have...
I managed to fix that stuff but there is still testing to it because some other features are not 100% tested yet...
I extend the Enet a little bit for classic... -
As the title, this crash seems wired bucause I didn't do anything bug the game crashed.
I'll provied crash-report for you. Mod version is and IC2 bulid is 760. -
As the title, this crash seems wired bucause I didn't do anything bug the game crashed.
I'll provied crash-report for you. Mod version is and IC2 bulid is 760.You know we have already V0.1.0.1b32 out?
That give you even a Nei version of the new Recipes... (you can choose between two overriders)
New build is out. If it'S working, there will be a release soon.
New build is out. If it'S working, there will be a release soon.
So you mean that crash has been already fixed? -
So you mean that crash has been already fixed?I haven't touched that part of the code, but I worked on the replacement for the RecipeReplacer.
Try updating to the new version and disable the RecipeReplacer and enable the RecipeReplacerExp. -
I haven't touched that part of the code, but I worked on the replacement for the RecipeReplacer.
Try updating to the new version and disable the RecipeReplacer and enable the RecipeReplacerExp.
Copy, thanks!
BTW, I just updated the zh-CN lang of IC. Would you check it? -
New stable version is out.
New stable version is out.
Is that bug I reported fixed in this version? Awesome, thanks a lot guys xD
Is that bug I reported fixed in this version? Awesome, thanks a lot guys xD
No it is not fixed yet.
My priority was at IC2 Classic (which had that bug too),
since i released IC2 Classic Today, i will try to do that hotfix for Uncomplication too.
That should not take so long but it also gains some improvements.^^"